
'TRUMP’S ECONOMY': US Chamber of Commerce Thanks the ‘WHITE HOUSE’ for Stunning Growth

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.20.18

The United States Chamber of Commerce officially thanked President Trump and his policies for igniting a stunning recovery; praising the administration for slashing regulations and passing tax cuts that are helping millions of Americans.

Chamber President Thomas Donohue was speaking at a Christian Science Monitor media event in recent days when he weighed-in on the booming stock market, low unemployment, and rising wages across the country.

“I really appreciate the major effort by government, and when I say government it was the White House, but yes the Congress and the Senate, doing some regulatory fixing,” said Donohue.

“Everytime we had a new regulation we never took away the old one and that put lots of conflict in what people were facing,” he said. “There is no big mystery to progress, the results of the federal government getting off the backs business in a way that everybody understood was going to have to happen.”

“There are a lot of positive stories to tell in our current economic environment. Ten years after the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, our economy is finally firing on most of its cylinders,” said Donohue.

Read the full story at the Washington Examiner.


posted by Hannity Staff - 2.01.18

The American economy continues to roar under President Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress, with federal trackers and analysts predicting an unprecedented 5.4% GDP growth in the first quarter of 2018.

The shocking numbers show the US economy rebounding after years of stagnating wages and low-growth GDP in the wake of the “Great Recession” under former President Barack Obama.

“The economy is on track to put up blockbuster growth numbers in the first quarter, according to the latest forecast from the Atlanta Fed,” writes CNBC. “GDP is expected to surge 5.4 percent to start 2018, the central bank branch estimated in its latest rolling look at how the economy is progressing.”

In other signs of progress, consumer spending surged from 3.1% to 4% following the passage of the GOP tax cuts and jobless claims continue to hover around “generational lows” with unemployment at just 4.1%.

President Trump touted the economic success story during his State of the Union address Tuesday night; applauding companies and corporations for raising wages, expanding benefits, and paying big bonuses after he signed the sweeping tax overhaul into law.

BLUE WAVE CRASHING: Poll Shows Americans Side with TRUMP on Economy, Security

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.14.18

The mainstream media’s highly-anticipated “blue wave” is turning into a potential “red tide” ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, with new polls showing Americans overwhelmingly side with the President on the economy and national security.

A new survey published by Zogby Analytics shows likely voters “trust” the White House on key issues facing American families just months before voters head to the polls to decide the fate of Congress.

When asked “Who do you Trust more?” on handling economic issues, 41% of those asked said the President, compared to 35% who said the Democrats.

Trump also topped liberal lawmakers 40% to 38% when asked about national security.

“Could Trump prove to be the difference maker for Republicans in 2018? The data does point in this direction but the election is still six months out. Now Republican congressional candidates must decide if they want President Trump to blaze the campaign trail for them. That could prove to be wise at the moment,” said the poll.

h/t Washington Examiner

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