That’s an interesting gaffe.
During a recent sitdown with NowThis Make Your Mark, Biden seemed to say he got student debt cancellation passed; “It’s passed. I got it passed by a vote or two.”
Biden’s student debt cancellation plan never went through Congress.
From Fox News:
That boast is particularly embarrassing because the administration is in court claiming that he did not need to get congressional approval for the plan. It is likely to be raised by challengers in the next stage of litigation. It also may reflect a moment of actual clarity in his subconscious mind, a faint recognition of the constitutional principles that he once defended as a United States senator.
There are significant constitutional questions raised by Biden’s half trillion dollar loan giveaway — an acknowledgment made by one of the courts ruling against challengers on standing grounds. The problem is finding someone with standing to allow courts to reach the merits of this unilateral executive action.
Watch Biden’s gaffe above