
SANDERS’ SLUMP: Bernie’s Poll Numbers PLUNGE Among Younger Voters

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.14.19

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign took another turn for the worse this week, with new surveys showing his support among younger voters -once a key aspect of his political base- plummeting just months before voters head to the polls.

According to a recent report from Morning Consult, Sanders support among voters aged between 18 and 29 has plunged from 45% to just 33% in May.

“Sanders’s support with the youngest voters, who propelled his surprising challenge to then-Democratic contender Hillary Clinton in 2016, has steadily declined in the poll since topping out at 46 percent in late February,” reports The Hill.

“Overall, former Vice President Joe Biden has opened up a big lead over the Democratic field, coming in at 39 percent support among Democratic primary voters, followed by Sanders at 19 percent and Sens. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Kamala Harris (Calif.) at 8 percent each. South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is at 6 percent and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke is at 5 percent,” adds the poll.

Surprisingly, Joe Biden’s support among America’s youth is on the rise; spiking from 20% last month to 24% in the latest survey.

Read the full report at The Hill.

BERNED AGAIN? CNN Under Fire for ‘Stacking the Audience’ Against Bernie Sanders at Town Hall

posted by Hannity Staff - 2.27.19

CNN is under fire from liberal activists and media outlets after allegedly stacking their recent Bernie Sanders town hall event with members of the Democratic Party and other centrist organizations.

CNN has been accused of failing to disclose Democratic Party ties of several attendees who were able to ask 2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders questions during the network’s town hall on Monday,” reports Fox News.

“Paste writer Jacob Weindling questioned whether CNN stacked the audience against the Democratic Socialist by not disclosing the background of some of the participants,” adds the article. “Paste Magazine pointed out that at least four attendees have deep roots in the Democratic Party and the D.C. lobby.”

Read the full report here.

2020 VISION: Pete Buttigieg Claims ‘Capitalism Has Let A Lot of People Down’ Across America

posted by Hannity Staff - 4.16.19

South Bend, Indiana Mayor and rising Democratic star Pete Buttigieg slammed American-style capitalism Tuesday; saying he believes the current system “has let a lot of people down” across the country.

“I think the reason we’re having this argument over socialism and capitalism is that capitalism has let a lot of people down,” the mayor told CNN.

“I would say the reverse ought to be true — that at the end of the day, we prioritize democracy,” he added. “And having that framework of a rule of law, of fairness, is actually what it takes for markets to work.”

Buttigieg stunned political insiders in recent days when new polling data showed he had risen to third place among national Democratic candidates; trailing former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Read the full report here.

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