
ROSEANNE UNCHAINED: Barr Says She Doesn’t ‘GIVE A F***’ About Trump Critics

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.01.18

Iconic television star and proud Trump-supporter Roseanne Barr didn’t hold back when asked to comment on the President’s critics Monday night, telling Jimmy Fallon she simply doesn’t “give a f***.”

The comedian was speaking with Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon when she called-out those upset by her pro-Trump stance, saying “This is America, it’s a free country.”

“With your big hit comes people who aren’t so happy as well if you say you’re a supporter of Donald Trump,” said Fallon.

“Oh yeah, people are mad about that. But you know, I don’t give a f***!” said Roseanne. “Everybody has to choose for themselves according to their conscience.”

“I’m not going to put anybody down who doesn’t vote like me. This is America, it’s a free country,” she added.

Watch Roseanne’s fiery comments above.


posted by Hannity Staff - 3.23.18

Iconic comedian and Trump-supporter Roseanne Barr didn’t hold back when discussing politics during a late-night television interview; telling liberal host Jimmy Kimmel that he went so “f***ing far left” he lost everybody and should “zip that f***ing lip.”

Barr appeared alongside actor John Goodman while promoting their upcoming revival of television’s “Roseanne,” getting into a full-blown debate with Kimmel over Hillary Clinton, liberals, Donald Trump, and Mike Pence.

“You are a very liberal, socially liberal person in general,” started Kimmel.

“I’m still the same, you all moved. You all went so f***ing far out you lost everybody,” she interrupted. “Seriously, a lot of your audience -including me- A lot of us, no matter who we voted for, we don’t want to see our president fail.”

“So zip that “f***ing lip,” she added.

Watch Roseanne take-on Kimmel above.

ROSEANNE RESCUE: Roseanne DEFENDS Diamond and Silk, SLAMS Facebook

posted by Hannity Staff - 4.11.18

Television superstar Roseanne Barr defended pro-Trump duo Diamond and Silk Wednesday, slamming Facebook for labeling the twosome “unsafe” and telling the social network to “stop censoring them!”

Barr’s demands came just hours after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that his tech team made a serious “error” when they flagged Diamond and Silk as “unsafe to the community,” sparking outrage from conservatives across the country.

“Diamond and Silk are comedians-stop censoring them!” tweeted the iconic comedian.

Zuckerberg was grilled by Congressional leaders over his network’s apparent crackdown on conservative voices Wednesday, with one lawmaker telling him “Diamond and Silk is not terrorism.”

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