
BERNIE’S PLAN B: Once His Undoing, Sanders Now Courting DNC Superdelegates

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.08.19

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is reportedly reaching out to Democratic superdelegates heading into a brutal primary battle against former Vice President Joe Biden; “shoring up” support from DNC insiders months before voters head to the polls.

“Now, as Sanders mounts a second bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, his campaign has something it did not have a few years ago, when his insurgent campaign unexpectedly caught fire: Allies in the very heart of the Democratic Party who could make a difference should the nomination go to a second ballot,” reports The Hill.

“In 2016, Sanders and his supporters railed against the influence of superdelegates within the DNC, those who had a vote at the national convention by virtue of their positions within the party, rather than because of the will of any voter,” adds the author.

Hillary Clinton won approximately 90% of the DNC superdelegates during her 2016 primary battle against Sanders.

Read the full report at The Hill.

2020 VISION: Pete Buttigieg Claims ‘Capitalism Has Let A Lot of People Down’ Across America

posted by Hannity Staff - 4.16.19

South Bend, Indiana Mayor and rising Democratic star Pete Buttigieg slammed American-style capitalism Tuesday; saying he believes the current system “has let a lot of people down” across the country.

“I think the reason we’re having this argument over socialism and capitalism is that capitalism has let a lot of people down,” the mayor told CNN.

“I would say the reverse ought to be true — that at the end of the day, we prioritize democracy,” he added. “And having that framework of a rule of law, of fairness, is actually what it takes for markets to work.”

Buttigieg stunned political insiders in recent days when new polling data showed he had risen to third place among national Democratic candidates; trailing former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Read the full report here.

BERNIE IN BIG TROUBLE: Joe Biden Opens Up a Massive 32 POINT LEAD in Latest Poll

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.07.19

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders continues to fall behind former Vice President Joe Biden in recent polling, with new data showing the top Obama aide opening-up a massive 32 point lead over the Democratic Socialist.

“Former Vice President Joe Biden has a 32-point lead in the Democratic presidential race in a Hill-HarrisX poll released Monday,” reports The Hill. “Biden won 46 percent in the poll compared to 14 percent for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who came in a distant second place.”

“Biden has seen a little bit of a bump from his announcement, anywhere from 12 to 15 percentage points in most polls that I’ve seen,” said one pollster.

The two top-tier candidates were followed by South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg with 8% and Sen. Elizabeth Warren with just 7%.

Read the full report at The Hill.

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