CNN’s Chief National Affairs Correspondent called-out Joe Biden following his meeting with Vladimir Putin in Geneva Wednesday night; saying he has never seen a President so protected by his aides.
“We have not seen him answer questions like that without his aides screaming at him to stop. I have never seen a President who is so protected by his aides in terms of often not wanting him to answer some questions,” said CNN’s Jeff Zeleny.
CNN’s Jeff Zeleny: We haven’t seen Biden answer questions “without his aides screaming at him to stop”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 16, 2021
Watch the revealing exchange above.
BIDEN on ???: ‘Root Out Corruption that Syphons Off Our Strength, Guard Against Those Who Stoke Hate’
President Biden delivered a press briefing at NATO Headquarters in Europe Monday where claimed the US must “root out corruption” and “guard against those who would stoke hatred.”
“We have to root out corruption that syphons off our strength. Guard against those who would stoke hatred and division for political gain, this phony populism. Invest in institutions that underpin and safeguard our Democratic values,” said Biden.
BIDEN: "We have to root out corruption that syphons off our strength. Guard against those who would stoke hatred and division for political gain, this phony populism."
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 14, 2021
Biden travels next to Geneva where he will hold his first one-on-one conversation with Vladimir Putin as President of the United States.
Watch Biden’s comments above.
SO SORRY! Biden Apologizes After Exploding on Reporter, Says He Was Simply Being a ‘Wise Guy’
President Biden publicly apologized to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Wednesday after he scolded the reporter during a press briefing; asking her “what the hell?” and suggesting she “shouldn’t be in this business.”
“I owe my last questioner an apology,” Biden said to reporters on the tarmac in Geneva. “I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy with the last answer I gave.”
“To be a good reporter you have to be negative at life,” Biden continued. “You are the brightest people in the country but it makes no sense for me to negotiate with you.”
“I apologize for having been short,” he concluded.
"Look, to be a good reporter, you've gotta be negative. You've gotta have a negative view of life, it seems to me … I apologize for having been short" — Biden on Kaitlan Collins's question and his response to it
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 16, 2021
Kaitlan Collins accepts Joe Biden’s apology on the air – noting that he didn’t have to do that, but adds that “it was not necessary” as she was just doing her job.
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) June 16, 2021
President Biden snapped at reporters after his hours-long meeting with Vladimir Putin Wednesday in Switzerland, asking one journalist “what the hell, what do you do all the time??”
“Why are you so confident [Putin] will change his behavior, Mr. President?” asked a reporter with CNN.
“I’m not confident I’m going to change his behavior. What the hell? What do you do all the time? When did I say I was confident? I said….let’s get it straight….” fired-back the President.
“I’m not confident of anything, I’m just stating the facts,” concluded Biden. “If you don’t understand that you’re in the wrong business.”
Watch the fiery exchange above.