
TRUDEAU’S TANTRUM: Canadian PM Caught on Camera ‘BERATING’ First Nation Chiefs

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.18.18

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau found himself in hot-water with his country’s First Nations leaders this week; openly berating tribal Chiefs over their “poor time management skills” after a high-level meeting unexpectedly ran over-time.

Trudeau was talking with the local leaders during a roundtable discussion focused on First Nation rights when he lashed-out at the Chiefs; saying “I’m really, really upset about this.”

“I am really, really upset about this,” said the Prime Minister.

“And it wasn’t for me to interrupt the previous speakers. [Chief] Bobby [Cameron], there shouldn’t have been every single person speaking for eight minutes in this meeting. That is not the spirit of reconciliation, of the nation-to-nation relationship we are supposed to have. And I am stuck with an absolute time cap at 9:05,” he added.

h/t Daily Caller

TRUDEAU CAVES: Canadian Prime Minister Says NEW NAFTA Deal ‘POSSIBLE’ by Friday

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.29.18

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Wednesday that a potential “New NAFTA” deal with the United States was possible by the end of the week; adding the agreement would hinge on whether it was “good” for Canada.

Trudeau was speaking at a press conference on Ontario when he weighed-in on the recently unveiled US-Mexico Trade Agreement; signaling a strong possibility his nation would soon sign-on to the bilateral deal.

“We recognize that there is a possibility of getting there by Friday, but it is only a possibility, because it will hinge on whether or not there is ultimately a good deal for Canada,” said the Prime Minister.

“No NAFTA deal is better than a bad NAFTA deal,” he warned.

Read the full story at CNBC.

TRUDEAU IN TROUBLE: Canada Poised to Place REFUGEES in HOTELS as Crisis Escalates

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.25.18

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continued to come under fire this week over his government’s seeming inability to tackle the nation’s swirling refugee crisis; floating a proposal that would place the migrants in hotels throughout the country.

During a last-minute press conference, Trudeau’s critics lashed out at the policy; demanding answers over how many refugees will be placed in hotels, where the hotels will be located, and who will foot the bill.

“The reality is that Justin Trudeau has failed on all of these fronts. Frankly, I believe the Prime Minister has ruined what was once a fair and orderly system that focused on protecting the world’s most vulnerable and aiding their integration into Canada,” said one conservative member of Parliament.

“This is because since January 2017, over 30,000 individuals have illegally crossed the border from the United States into Canada and subsequently claimed asylum in our country,” she added.

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