[dropcap]Project[/dropcap] Veritas and founder, James O’Keefe have released a third video this week, showing yet another federal worker discussing how they use their taxpayer funded jobs to further the agenda of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and slow roll President Trump’s agenda.
The undercover report features Government Accountability Office (GAO) auditor and self-proclaimed Communist, Natarajan Subramanian.
The video shows Subramanian discussing a number of concerning tactics and practices he uses to slow down President Trump’s agenda and reveals that a “fair number” of Democratic Socialists work for the federal government.
“If you’re in [an] executive branch agency you can slow ball things to a degree, that it’s like ineffective, and maybe you get in trouble, or maybe you get fired or resign or whatever, but you slowed [Trump’s agenda] down for a certain period of time,” he told an undercover Project Veritas journalist.
[dropcap]This[/dropcap] is not the first time Project Veritas has exposed a federal employee discussing how they do their part to slow down President Trump’s agenda. In a video released Wednesday, DOJ paralegal Allison Hrabar said, “We have a member who works for the people who distribute food stamps, and they can like take that away, and they’re slowing what they do,” she said. “I wait until, I have to submit a merger form on the 30th day, by the 30th. I’m supposed to do it at 5, sometimes I do it at like ten to 5.”
When asked to clarify her comments, Hrabar said, “It just means that they can’t start doing anything so it’s very small, mine is just affecting a company’s profit. But that means, what they’re doing, means that people are going to be able to stay on food stamps for another month or two, which is like really important.”
Subramanian also discussed how many DSA members are also federal employees, telling the undercover journalist, “…a fair number of DSA employees are federal DSA people are federal employees… you see people from various agencies, usually executive branch.”
The avowed Communist also addressed the fact that he uses his taxpayer-funded job to do work on his phone for the Democratic Socialists. When asked if he was “OK” with the fact that some of his coworkers know about his affiliation with DSA, Subramanian responds, “Oh yeah, they’re actually like big fans…”
The government auditor also openly admits his activism could force him to lose his job, saying, “I break rules every day… at any point I can get fired.”
The GAO has responded to the Project Veritas video with the following statement: “We are aware of the video and investigating the serious issues it raises, and we have also communicated with the GAO Inspector General.”
Project Veritas Bombshell Video Exposes “Resist” Socialist Employee Inside State Department
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] newly released undercover video shows a State Department employee bragging about how they use their time at the agency to organize for the D.C. chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
Investigative journalism organization, Project Veritas, released a shocking video Tuesday, which shows State Department Management and Program Analyst, Stuart Karaffa, discussing how he uses his time working for the U.S. government to further the efforts of the Democratic Socialists.
According to Project Veritas, Karaffa is heavily involved in the political campaign efforts of DSA in both Washington D.C. and Virginia.
When an undercover Project Veritas journalist asks if he does work for the Democratic Socialists while at the State Department, Karaffa replies, “Oh yeah. I mean I do, and I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail like I leave emails, and like… Any press s**t that comes up I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out.”
[dropcap]According[/dropcap] to the Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists website, the group, believes in “a radical restructuring of our economic and political systems to value people over profits. Rather than our current economy, which is controlled by the wealthy few for their own benefit, we envision an economy that is democratically controlled by all Americans.”
Karaffa told the undercover journalists that he is able to get away with his work for the DSA while employed at the State Department because someone at the agency “rubber stamps” his financial disclosure form.
“…On the contracting form I put all of my officer positions on it, and somebody just rubber stamps it and it goes forward…. I can disclose all of my other stuff and the guy rubberstamping it is just kinda like ehh, I don’t know if he’s all there. He’s so checked out and he’s looking at this stuff like yeah whatever, just boom, go.”
The footage of Karaffa ends with the State Department employee saying, “resist everything…every level. F**k s**t up.”
Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe, says his organization has been investigating the Deep State for over a year, and claims his undercover cameras have caught “conspirators admitting to violating their ethics reports, illegally using government resources and subverting government policies.”
According to their press release, Project Veritas will release other videos of their investigation into the Deep State.
DOJ Employee Says Coworkers Discuss “Resisting” Trump from Within the Department
[dropcap]Video[/dropcap] footage of a Department of Justice employee discussing the “resist” movement within the agency was captured by investigative journalism organization, Project Veritas, as part of an explosive series on the “Deep State.”
DOJ paralegal, Allison Hrabar, was asked by an undercover Project Veritas journalist whether or not her fellow DOJ employees were doing anything to “fight against Trump.”
“Um, yeah, I mean a lot of us talk about it, so most of them are like vaguely politically involved, so they might support candidates and do fundraisers, and some of them canvas,” she replied. “And there’s a lot of talk about how we can like, resist from inside and there’s a lot of, kind of like, push back.”
[dropcap]Hrabar[/dropcap] is also a leader for the D.C. chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and back in June, she made headlines when she led an unhinged protest against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielson at a Mexican restaurant.
According to the Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists website, the group, believes in “a radical restructuring of our economic and political systems to value people over profits. Rather than our current economy, which is controlled by the wealthy few for their own benefit, we envision an economy that is democratically controlled by all Americans.”
Hrabar is also caught on video discussing how her colleague at the Department of Agriculture purposefully slows down the implementation of new food stamp policies put in place by President Trump.
“We have a member who works for the people who distribute food stamps, and they can like take that away, and they’re slowing what they do,” she said. “I wait until, I have to submit a merger form on the 30th day, by the 30th. I’m supposed to do it at 5, sometimes I do it at like ten to 5.”
When asked to clarify her comments, Hrabar said, “It just means that they can’t start doing anything so it’s very small, mine is just affecting a company’s profit. But that means, what they’re doing, means that people are going to be able to stay on food stamps for another month or two, which is like really important.”
Also featured in the video is former Chief of Staff for the Center of Medicaid and Human Services, Jessica Schubel, who is currently Senior Policy Analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Project Veritas describes her as “a conduit for leakers inside her former government department who are actively trying to obstruct administration policies.”
In the video, Schubel describes how she has a few friends still working within the government who give her “information.” Including one particular friend who physically mailed her “confidential” government information:
So, your friend mailed you the policy that was about to come into effect… What policy was it?
Um, it was the policy that allows states to require Medicare beneficiaries to work in order to get coverage.
Okay. And then she mailed it to you in like physical snail mail like the post office and then you like got it. That’s like awesome.
Yeah. It’s kind of like the Nixon, “deep throat” type of thing.
Your friend mailed you information, even though she, technically, like, probably wasn’t supposed to.
She definitely wasn’t supposed to.
“This may be the largest case of unaccountability in our government that has ever been exposed,” said Project Veritas President James O’Keefe in a press release on Wednesday. “These videos are the Deep State incarnate, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.”