
RECORD SMASHED: Hispanic Household Income ‘HITS ALL TIME-HIGH’

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.18.18

The US economy continued to soar for all Americans under President Trump and the Republican-led Congress in recent months, with new data released by the US Census Bureau showing ‘Hispanic household income’ hit a record high in 2017 and is likely inching higher this year.

According to CNS News, the median household income for Hispanic-American families reached a record high of $50,486 in 2017.

“[W]e can confirm that real median household income was higher in 2017 than in any prior year for which we have data,” said a spokesperson for the bureau.

The new figures represent a 3.7% increase in income from the same period in 2016; representing an increase of $1,786 per household.

The strong economic data may pose a major risk for Democrats aiming to retake the House of Representatives this fall, with party leaders vowing to repeal the ‘GOP Tax Scam’ should they make major gains in November.

Read the full story here.

BLUE WAVE CRASHING: New Report Shows DEMS STRUGGLING with Hispanic Voters

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.07.18

The media’s over-hyped “blue wave” predicted for this November may hit an “unexpected speed bump” heading into the midterm elections, with new polls showing the Democrats struggling to capture the Hispanic vote.

According to a new study, a “growing number of Democratic strategists are privately concerned” that the soaring US economy, higher wages, and record-low Hispanic unemployment may be turning once-liberal supporters towards the GOP.

“Democrats have hit an unexpected speed bump in their drive to regain control of Congress: unsettling signs that the party may not generate as much turnout or support among Latino voters this fall as it expected,” writes the report.

“I still think it’s a little too soon to push the panic button, but having said that, we are not seeing the types of numbers with Hispanic voters that we should be seeing with the most hostile person to ever hold public office against Hispanics as the President,” said one Democratic pollster.

Read the full report at the Daily Caller.

ECONOMY SOARS: African American, Hispanic Unemployment LOWEST IN HISTORY

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.04.18

The unemployment rate for African American and Hispanic workers plunged to the lowest levels ever recorded Friday as the US economy roars to life under President Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress.

The newest figures released by the US government show the unemployment rate for African American workers dropping to 6.6% and the unemployment rate for Hispanic workers plunging to 4.8%.

“There’s a heck of a lot of good news in this report,” said Kevin Hassett, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers.

“The African-American unemployment rate dropped to 6.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate on record, and significant because black workers’ unemployment is typically double that of whites,” adds CBS News.

The strong economic data comes after similar reports show GDP and jobless claims smashing expectations as more and more Americans head back to work in the second quarter of 2018.

Just this week, similar reports showed unemployment claims dropping to the lowest levels seen since 1973.

h/t Washington Examiner

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