
NIKKI NUKES THE VIEW: 'They Can't Stand that a Minority Female would be a Conservative Republican'

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.21.22

Former South Carolina Governor and one-time U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley shot back at the ladies of The View after co-host Sunny Hostin accused Haley of trying to hide her Indian heritage by using her middle name “Nikki” instead of her first name “Nimarata.”

Haley responded to the accusations on Wednesday’s edition of The Faulkner Focus.

“It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last time that the hosts of ‘The View’ come after me or that liberals come after me in… whatever way,” Haley told host Harris Faulkner. “They can’t stand the fact that a minority female would be a conservative Republican.”

“Sunny is not her name,” Haley said. “Nikki is my name. It is on my birth certificate. It is an Indian name, and I embrace my Indian heritage. I have written two books that describe the struggles that my family had, what it was like growing up.”

Haley says she’s not likely to see an apology from the Hostin and the ladies of The View any time soon.

“You’re not going to see her fired from that show,” she continued. “We’re not even going to see an apology from that show because they let liberals say that about conservative Republican minorities all the time, but yet nothing is done. Had this been said about a Democrat, all hell would have broken loose.”

Watch the clip above.

Hostin originally called Haley a “chameleon” on Tuesday’s episode of The View.

“I think if she leaned into being someone of color, this would be different,” Hostin continued. “There’s some of us that can be chameleons and decide not to embrace our ethnicity so that we can pass, that we don’t have to go by—”

From Fox News:

Co-host Sara Haines then jumped in, pointing out that Hostin herself doesn’t go by her real name, which is actually Asunción Cummings “Sunny” Hostin. She is not the only woman on the ABC News show that goes by a nickname. Whoopi Goldberg’s real name is Caryn Johnson.

The exchange quickly made waves on social media, with many expressing outrage at Hostin’s comments and labeling them “racist.”

Haley appeared to agree.

“Thanks for your concern, Sunny,” Haley wrote on Twitter. “It’s racist of you to judge my name. Nikki is an Indian name and is on my birth certificate – and I’m proud of that. What’s sad is the left’s hypocrisy towards conservative minorities. By the way, last I checked Sunny isn’t your birth name.”

More over at Fox News:

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