The gaps in the southern border wall in Yuma, Arizona have been filled.
After signing an executive order earlier this year, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has filled 5 gaps in the Yuma border wall with giant shipping containers. Ducey released an official statement marking the occasion.
“Following a historic investment in this year’s state budget, forged in partnership with legislative leaders, we’ve taken a major step forward to secure our border,” said Governor Ducey. “Five wide open gaps in the border wall near Yuma neighborhoods and businesses are now closed off. In just 11 days, Arizona did the job the federal government has failed to do — and we showed them just how quickly and efficiently the border can be made more secure – if you want to.”
Ducey shared some quick stats on Twitter, celebrating the completion of the project.
🔹11 days
🔹5 gaps
🔹130 shipping containers
🔹3,820 linear feet
🔹48 workersWe did it. Yuma is safer today.
— Doug Ducey (@DougDucey) August 24, 2022
Ducey was fired up, announcing the executive order earlier this year.
“Arizona has had enough,” said Governor Ducey. “We can’t wait any longer. The Biden administration’s lack of urgency on border security is a dereliction of duty. For the last two years, Arizona has made every attempt to work with Washington to address the crisis on our border. Time and time again we’ve stepped in to clean up their mess. Arizonans can’t wait any longer for the federal government to deliver on their delayed promises.”
“Our border communities are being used as the entryway to the United States, overwhelming law enforcement, hospitals, nonprofits and residents,” Governor Ducey said. “It’s our responsibility to protect our citizens and law enforcement from this unprecedented crisis. With the resources and manpower in the right places, our Border Patrol and law enforcement will be better equipped to do their jobs well and prevent cartels from exploiting our communities. That’s exactly what our barrier mission will do.”
Read more below:
Following a historic investment in this year’s state budget, forged in partnership with legislative leaders, we’ve taken a major step forward to secure our border.
— Doug Ducey (@DougDucey) August 25, 2022