
LATE NIGHT LECTURE: Kimmel TRASHES TRUMP Over Shutdown, Healthcare

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.19.18

Late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel unloaded on President Trump and leading Republicans over the looming government shutdown on Thursday night, slamming the GOP for using “children’s healthcare” as a “bargaining tool.”

“We’re on the brink of a government shutdown right now, and Congress is trying to hammer out some kind of agreement to keep the country open,” said the left-wing comic. “Republicans have been trying all week to blame Democrats for a possible shutdown… even though Republicans are in control of the House, the Senate, and the White House.”

“The Republicans have done something that I think is bad: They’ve lumped CHIP into their spending bill. CHIP is the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which covers about 9 million low income kids and has yet to be reauthorized. It’s been 100 days since it expired. It’s very scary for parents. The funding for CHIP should have never been allowed to run out in the first place,” he added.

“I think Donald Trump actually wants a government shutdown,” Kimmel told the audience. “I think he think it would be like a snow day for him to take off.”

Watch the late-night comedian’s lecture above.

LATE NIGHT LECTURE: Jimmy Kimmel Defends Weinstein, Blames 'Gun Nuts'

posted by Hannity Staff - 2.10.17

Late-night comedian and aspiring political pundit Jimmy Kimmel quietly deflected criticism that he intentionally avoided Harvey Weinstein’s sex scandal during his show last week, saying “gun nuts” were out to discredit the Hollywood liberal.

Kimmel was speaking with ABC’s Good Morning America when he softly defended high-powered studio executive Harvey Weinstein, saying the Hollywood hot-shot’s decades long history of sexual assaults was not “equivalent to what happened in Las Vegas.”

“First of all, the Harvey Weinstein thing, people like this false equivalence as if that somehow is equivalent to what happened in Las Vegas,” said Kimmel.

“Harvey Weinstein is not a friend of mine, I’m not in the movie business,” he deflected. “And I’ll add that the story came out moments before we went to tape on Thursday, and we didn’t have a show on Friday.”

“What they’re doing now, is they’re trying to drag up –especially these gun nuts- trying to drag any comedy bit out of context and use it as some kind of proof that I’m calling myself the moral conscience of America,” said the late-night comedian.

Jimmy Kimmel made national headlines this month when he publicly lashed out at President Trump, Republicans, GOP voters, and second Amendment advocates following the devastating shooting in Las Vegas. Weeks earlier, the liberal found himself at the center of the nation’s healthcare debate; repeatedly slamming the Graham-Cassidy bill on national television.

Watch Kimmel’s vicious comments above.


posted by Hannity Staff - 12.01.17

“The bottom line is this: I accept the invitation. I will come down there,” Kimmel added. “What I’m going to do is—and I think you’re going actually to like this, Roy—I’m going to come to Gadsden, Alabama with a team of high school cheerleaders, Okay? We’ll meet you at the mall. Don’t worry, I can get you in.”

Watch Kimmel accept Moore’s challenge above.

h/t Washington Free Beacon

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