
Biden Admin Endorses Transgender Youth Sex-Change Ops, Biden Releases Message

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.31.22

According to a report from Fox News, the Biden Administration has announced its support of gender-reassignment surgeries, hormone therapies and more for America’s transgender youth.

“The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Population Affairs released a document Thursday titled Gender Affirming Care and Young People. The same day, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Child Traumatic Stress Network – another subset of the HHS – released a parallel document titled, Gender-Affirming Care Is Trauma-Informed Care,” Fox reports.

“The HHS documents describe what it calls appropriate treatments for transgender adolescents, including: ‘Top’ surgery – to create male-typical chest shape or enhance breasts;’ and ‘Bottom’ surgery – surgery on genitals or reproductive organs, facial feminization or other procedures,'” the report added.

President Biden shared a message on Twitter, telling all transgender Americans, “I have your back.”

Watch President Biden’s announcement above.

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