
JOB WELL DON: Trump's Approval Hits Fifty-Six Percent Post-Inaugural Address

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.23.25

According to an Insider Advantage Poll released this week, President Donald Trump’s job approval is at 56% post-inaugural address.

Insider Advantage’s Matt Towery writes: “A flash InsiderAdvantage national survey of 800 registered voters shows Donald Trump’s initial approval rating at fifty-six percent, higher than our last survey of the approval of his transition. The poll has a 3.46% margin of error.”

The Question: What is your opinion of the job performance of Donald Trump as he starts his new term as President of the United States?

The Results: Approve: 56%; Disapprove: 39%; No opinion/Undecided: 5%.

InsiderAdvantage pollster Matt Towery: “This survey marks an amazing first job performance approval for Donald Trump. Obviously his speech today, regardless of coverage, was well accepted. Also of note, Trump’s decision to spare TikTok caused his support among younger voters to soar to that same fifty-six percent approval number. It is rare to ever see a Republican president do so well with the youngest segment of voters.”

Another Insider Advantage poll found that Republicans overwhelmingly want Congress to implement President Donald Trump’s agenda.

More over at PollingPlus:

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