Economic Crisis

HORRIBLE! Trump Trashes Job Numbers Before Heading Into Court, 'Our Economy is Bad ... Will Only Get Worse' [WATCH]

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.03.24

Before heading into the Manhattan courtroom for Day 11 of his criminal hush money trial, former President and 2024 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke about the jobs report that was released Friday morning; just 175,000 jobs were added, lower than expected.

“The job numbers just came out and they’re horrible,” Trump said. “And I say that not happily. I say that very unhappily. These people are destroying our country … the job numbers are really low, it’s really bad.”

“Our economy is bad and now it’s starting to show. It will only get worse with this so-called leadership. There is no leadership,” Trump said.

Watch the clip below:

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