
HANNITY: FBI's Missing Texts Reveal Anti-Trump 'CONSPIRACY' at DOJ

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.23.18

Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Monday night, Sean unloaded on the FBI and Department of Justice over the missing text messages between anti-Trump operatives at the agency, saying the whole thing “reeks of conspiracy.”

“Remember the vindication I’ve been telling you is coming? Tonight, it’s in full motion. Everything we’ve been reporting for the last year, and the media has ignored for the past year, is now being uncovered,” said Sean.

“The Attorney General Jeff Sessions is revealing that there are over 50,000 text messages between Trump-hating employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page,” he added.

“Sessions is also vowing to get to the bottom of the missing text messages which is beginning to look more and more like an FBI cover up,” Hannity said. “We’re learning that five months of text messages between the Trump-hating lovers have conveniently disappeared. The messages that the FBI is claiming to have lost is from a crucial time during the Russia investigation.”

“Are we really supposed to believe that the FBI simply lost text messages from that important timeframe? This is like Watergate but far worse,” Sean added. “This reeks of law-breaking, it reeks of conspiracy, and it reeks of obstruction of justice.”

Watch Sean’s opening monologue above.

DOJ Searching Trove of Texts from Anti-Trump Agent

posted by Hannity Staff - 12.08.17

The Department of Justice is rummaging through “over 10,000 texts” between the FBI agent recently demoted from Robert Mueller’s investigation for his “anti-Trump bias” and his counterparts at the special counsel’s office.

DOJ officials tell Fox News they’re currently sifting through 10,000 text exchanges to determine the extent of Strzok’s bias, and whether his personal opinions of President Trump impacted his ability to impartially conduct his investigation.

Peter Strzok was secretly re-assigned to the FBI’s Human Resources Department earlier this year after Robert Mueller was informed of his Trump-hating text exchanges with other investigators.

The revelation of anti-Trump operatives inside the special counsel’s office prompted an immediate response from GOP leaders and officials; questioning Mueller’s ability to properly investigate allegations of Russian-Trump collusion throughout the 2016 presidential race.

They’re not the only ones.

The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board published a scathing op-ed piece on Thursday, citing the text exchanges and other mistakes as irreparably damaging the special counsel’s office and demanding Mueller’s immediate resignation from the investigation.

DOJ DISGRACE: Dept. of Justice RIPS Obama Administration Over Sex Harassment

posted by Hannity Staff - 12.27.17

The Department of Justice slammed the Obama administration on Wednesday, citing recent evidence that highlighted “systemic” sexual harassment reports that were largely ignored throughout the agency for the previous eight years.

According to Fox News, the DOJ’s Inspector General discovered evidence that former officials throughout the Justice Department had mishandled multiple reports of sexual harassment; including “officials often being let off the hook or even rewarded.”

While a spokesperson for the Trump administration refused to comment on the situation, he did confirm that a “working group” has been convened to investigate the report.

“The Post reported that the IG found one top attorney in the Office of Immigration Litigation, Victor Lawrence, ‘groped the breasts and buttocks of two female trial attorneys’ at a happy hour,” writes Fox. “He reportedly got a reprimand, a title change and “relief from supervisory duties” but was not suspended and did not receive a loss in pay or grade. There reportedly was a concern that a suspension would “deprive the government” of his services.”

“'[T]he Department was very disappointed with the issues that occurred in the Obama administration,” said DOJ spokesperson Ian Prior.

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