During Monday night’s Hannity, host Sean Hannity shared reactions from the liberal media and far-left lawmakers to the unanimous 9-0 ruling from the Supreme Court allowing Trump back on the ballot for Colorado’s primary contest.
Hannity called the ruling a “slam dunk” — but talking heads on the left didn’t exactly agree.
“What’s extremely alarming is the left’s reaction. Let’s take a look at their collective meltdown today following this 9-0 decision,” Hannity says before playing a collection of clips from CNN, MSNBC, and ABC’s The View.
Hannity also highlighted Rep. Jamie Raskin’s (D-MD) promise to “revive legislation” to go after Trump.
“This is just another pathetic, desperate ploy to interfere in the election and take down Trump by any means necessary,” Hannity says.
Watch the clip above.