
CLASS WARFARE: Ocasio-Cortez Says American Society Divided by ‘TOP VS DOWN’

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.07.18

Socialist superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged her fellow Democrats to “reframe” their message to American voters this week, saying candidates should no longer view issues as “left and right” but rather “top and down.”

Cortez made the surprising statement during a recent radio interview Monday, blasting West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin for “dropping $2 million” against a progressive challenger who still received 30% of the vote.

“That, to me, tells me that we need to start reframing our issues instead of left and right to top and down and it’s not about, like, oh, you know, ‘I have to whether my message to Republicans.’ There are people that really want to feel like there’s an unapologetic working class champion for them,” said Cortez.

Watch the socialist superstar above.

CORTEZ CONFUSION: Socialist Star Says Trump Tried to ‘BAN ALL MUSLIMS’ From US

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.31.18

Liberal superstar and New York Democratic Socialist candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unloaded on the Trump administration this week, falsely claiming the White House was trying to “ban Muslims” from entering the United States.

Cortez slammed the President on social media Monday, saying his administration’s attempt to “ban Muslims” was based on their worldview “where the expansion of one’s rights must come at the cost of another’s.”

Cortez found herself in hot water in recent days after the left-wing candidate referred to Israeli settlers as the “occupiers of Palestine” and claimed closing tax “loopholes” would finance a universal healthcare system in the United States.

DNC CIVIL WAR: Lieberman Urges Party to ABANDON CORTEZ, Says She’ll ‘HURT AMERICA’

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.18.18

Former Democratic Senator and Vice Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman lashed-out at socialist challenger Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in an op-ed published this week, saying her candidacy will “hurt Congress and hurt America.”

Lieberman penned his piece for the Wall Street Journal, titled “Vote Joe Crowley, for Working Families: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hurts the party, Congress and even America” in which he urged New York Democrats to support Joe Crowley; who was defeated in the primary process by Cortez just weeks ago.

“Ocasio-Cortez’s surprise primary victory over Rep. Joe Crowley seems likely to hurt Congress, America and the Democratic Party. It doesn’t have to,” writes Lieberman.

“Because the policies Ms. Ocasio-Cortez advocates are so far from the mainstream, her election in November would make it harder for Congress to stop fighting and start fixing problems. Thanks to a small percentage of primary votes, all of the people of New York’s 14th Congressional District stand to lose a very effective representative in Washington,” he adds.

Ocasio-Cortez fired back at her critics this week, saying “People who seek substantive change are almost always told some version of: ‘you’re crazy.’”

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