President Trump officially unveiled his pick to replace outgoing Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court Monday night; announcing his decision to nominate federal appeals court judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh currently sits on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, which commonly rules on hot-button issues and major cases regarding federal law.
The 53-year-old judge was nominated to the circuit court by former President George W. Bush and confirmed back in 2006 by a 57-36 vote.
The President’s comments come after days of fevered speculation surrounding the nation’s highest court with swing-vote Anthony Kennedy announcing his planned retirement just weeks ago.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi vowed to fight the President’s nominee Monday night, saying her party will work hard to “avenge President Obama,” whose Supreme Court pick Merrick Garland stalled throughout the confirmation process.
BOOKER BREAKDOWN: The Senator Says SUSPEND Court Pick Until AFTER Russia Probe
Senator Cory Booker hinted at the Democrats’ potential plot to block President Trump’s future Supreme Court Pick Friday, saying the White House should only nominate a candidate after the Mueller probe wraps up.
Booker was speaking with MSNBC when he was asked to weigh-in on Justice Anthony Kennedy’s recent retirement announcement, saying Trump should wait because he’s still the “subject of a criminal investigation.”
“This president is the subject of a criminal investigation,” Booker said. “Here you have a president that’s making a whole lot of loyalty tests and other things from people.”
“Should that person be able to right now, while this criminal investigation’s going on, be allowed to make an appointment? I say no,” Booker added.
IT BEGINS: Left Wing Activists Preparing NATIONWIDE Protests Ahead of Trump’s Court Pick
The left-wing, anti-Trump organization ‘Refuse Fascism’ is preparing nationwide protests across the country Monday evening; launching the demonstrations just minutes after President Trump announces his pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court.
According to the Daily Caller, the liberal activists are attempting to organize demonstrations in at least 12 major US cities -such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, and others- to coincide with Trump’s announcement at 9PM from the White House.
“The Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet, and that it is our responsibility to drive them from power through non-violent protests that grow every day until our demand is met,” said the group’s website.
Despite the planned protests, the President has yet to announce his candidate to fill the court vacancy.
Read the full report at the Daily Caller.