The United States and Japan are preparing for another North Korean missile launch within the “next few days” as Hawaii tests an emergency warning system for a nuclear attack; just days after a defector made a mad dash across the DMZ into South Korea.
Japanese media is reporting North Dictator Kim Jong Un is prepared to launch a medium-range, ballistic missile, possibly over Japanese territory for the third time this year.
One official said, “There is a possibility of missile launches in the next few days.”
Kim’s move comes as Hawaii launches an early warning system throughout the state, aimed to notify residents and tourists of an impending missile strike from the communist nation.
According to local news, Hawaii is “reinstating” its nuclear alarm system not utilized since the height of America’s Cold War with the former Soviet Union. The warning siren, administered by the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, alerts citizens to “get inside, stay inside, and stay tuned.”
“When [HI-EMA] started this campaign there were concerns we would scare the public. What we are putting out is information based on the best science that we have on what would happen if that weapon hit Honolulu or the assumed targets,” said HI-EMA Administrator.
Military experts say a North Korean nuclear missile would take approximately fifteen minutes from launch to reach Hawaii, and urge residents to have a “designated place” for shelter as evacuation would be nearly impossible.