
WATCH: Rep. Gohmert’s COVID-19 and Medical Freedom Web Series on

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.23.20

Gohmert’s COVID-19 and Medical Freedom Web Series to Launch Exclusively on

Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) will launch a new web series titled, COVID-19 and Medical Freedom: A Congressional Inquiry. The series will be highlighted exclusively on and feature interviews with medical professionals and experts.

In the first episode, Rep. Gohmert teams up with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) to interview Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch, family physician Dr. George Fareed, and infectious disease Dr. Stephen Smith.

Dr. Risch is the author of more than 325 original research publications in medical literature. His research and analysis on hydroxychloroquine and its effectiveness in COVID-19 has been cited worldwide. Dr. Fareed and his colleagues have successfully treated over 2,000 coronavirus patients, 455 of them with a hydroxychloroquine cocktail in the hard-hit Imperial Valley of California. Dr. Smith has had great success in treating over 300 hospitalized coronavirus patients with a hydroxychloroquine cocktail in New Jersey.

Rep. Gohmert released the following statement about the series:

“The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the medical industrial complex’s grip on society and reiterated the importance of medical freedom here in this country. When making important health care decisions, one often seeks multiple opinions from medical professionals before choosing a path for treatment. The same should be expected in America in response to the coronavirus. Instead, experts who have vital research and clinical experience are being demonized by career bureaucrats who haven’t treated patients in decades, let alone anyone suffering from COVID-19. These respected experts are being vilified by the Trump-hating media and silenced through censorship by social media monopolies.  Adding insult to injury, government bureaucrats are standing in between these doctors and their patients with threats of revoking their licenses to practice medicine. This is why I have decided to speak on the record with prominent physicians and researchers to explore the state of medical freedom in our country.

The American people deserve to hear directly from those in the medical community who are collaborating with one another nationwide while treating COVID-19 patients—in both hospitalized and outpatient settings. I’d like to thank Sen. Rand Paul for his participation in this invaluable series. I’d also like to thank Sean Hannity for providing these doctors with a platform to share their information. They deserve to be heard.”

Watch the first episode above.

COVID-19 and Medical Freedom: A Congressional Inquiry


Dr. Harvey Risch (M.D. University of California San Diego, PhD University of Chicago in mathematical modeling of infectious epidemics):


  • Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine.
  • Renowned for his cancer research, including studies on ovarian, pancreas, bladder and lung cancer.
  • Author of more than 325 original research publications in medical literature. His research and analysis on hydroxychloroquine and its effectiveness in COVID-19 has been cited worldwide.


Topic: The overwhelming evidence supporting early use of HCQ, zinc, azithromycin or doxycycline to treat COVID-19 and debunking the disinformation and flawed studies about the widely-used, FDA approved drug.


Dr. George Fareed (M.D. Harvard Medical School):

  • Family physician and hospitalist in Brawley, CA with a background in virology from both a research standpoint at NIH and as a professor at Harvard and UCLA.
  • His region, the Imperial Valley of California became the state’s COVID-19 epicenter in June and July.
  • Fareed and other physicians at his clinics treated over 2,000 COVID-19 patients with 455 of them on a Hydroxychloroquine regimen. They saw one death and a handful of brief (3-4 day) hospitalizations.


Topic: A first-hand account of treating COVID-19 outpatients with a cocktail of HCQ, zinc and azithromycin/doxycycline.


Dr. Stephen Smith (M.D. Yale School of Medicine):


  • Infectious Disease doctor at the Smith Center for Infectious Disease in New Jersey. Treats patients at St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, NJ.
  • Smith participated in a fellowship at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease under renowned physicians such as Dr. Anthony Fauci.
  • Treated almost 300 hospitalized COVID-19 patients with an HCQ regimen.


Topic: A first-hand account of treating hospitalized/intubated patients with an HCQ regimen and the connection between COVID-19 and obesity and diabetes.



'ROUTINE ERROR': 6,700 North Carolina Residents ‘Incorrectly Told They Have Coronavirus’ via Text

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.16.20

Nearly 7,000 residents in North Carolina were told via text message last week that they tested positive for the Coronavirus despite not actually having contracted the disease.

“More than 6,700 individuals in Mecklenburg County in North Carolina were told in a text message sent from Mecklenburg County Health Department on Friday that they tested positive for COVID-19 and over 500 people were told through a county email that they were also infected with the novel coronavirus. But the results were incorrect due to a technical error by Health Space, the company they use for contact tracing, according to a statement on the county’s website,” reports Fox News.

“An error during routine maintenance last Friday resulted in a county data vendor sending erroneous texts and email messages to people saying they were positive for COVID-19,” the statement on the county website said.

“Very quickly we began to work with the vendor to understand the issue and make sure that it did not continue. Once corrected we were told that 6,727 text messages and 541 emails were sent to individuals who were already in their system. We then worked with the vendor to send a corrected text/email to all that received the erroneous one,” the email stated in part.

Read the full report here.

'SICKENING': Backlash Grows Against Denver Democrat Who Supported Spreading Coronavirus at MAGA Rallies

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.03.20

Denver’s Democratic Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca is facing a growing backlash on social media this week after calling for those sick with the deadly Coronavirus to intentionally spread the disease at ‘Make America Great Again’ rallies.

“Democrat Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca says that she stands in ‘solidarity’ with someone who says that they if they get the coronavirus that they will attend as many Trump rallies as possible She appears to have made the statement on her government Twitter account,” posted a reporter with the Daily Wire.


“These people are sick,” posted Donald Trump Jr.

“This elected Democrat in Colorado doesn’t seem very nice!” the Trump campaign War Room Twitter account posted in response.

Read the full report here.

Source: Fox News

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