
WATCH LIVE: The Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Vote on Judge Kavanaugh

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.28.18

The Senate Judiciary Committee is poised to vote on Judge Brett Kavanaugh just hours after the potential Supreme Court nominee and Dr. Christine Ford finished their high-stakes testimony.

Watch the vote LIVE below:

KAVANAUGH'S TURN: Dr. Ford Wraps Testimony, Judge Kavanaugh Set to Appear

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.27.18

Dr. Christine Ford officially ended her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday afternoon; describing in detail her allegations of sexual assault by Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the early 1980s.

Ford faced a series of questions from Republican-appointed attorney Rachel Miller about key details of the attack; including those in attendance, the location of the party, her whereabouts immediately after, and more.

“I thank you very much for your testimony. More importantly for your bravery coming out,” said Chairman Chuck Grassley.

Democrat Senators largely used their five-minute segments to submit documents of support towards Dr. Ford from friends, family, and business associates.

KAVANAUGH: ‘My Family Has Been Destroyed’ Over Assault Allegations

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.27.18

Judge Brett Kavanaugh fiercely defended himself from Dr. Christine Ford’s three-decades old sexual assault allegations Thursday afternoon; saying the national attention and “false accusations” have completely “destroyed” his family.

Kavanaugh was speaking before the Senate Judiciary Committee just minutes after Dr. Ford wrapped her Congressional testimony; warning “If the mere assertion of an allegation, a refuted allegation from 36 years ago, is enough to destroy a person’s life and career, we will have abandoned the basic principles of fairness and due process that define our legal system and our country.”

Kavanaugh went on to discuss the impact the derailed nomination process has had on his family; saying “explaining this to our daughters has been the worst experience of our lives.”

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