
UPDATE: Sen. Graham Calls for Full Investigation into Democrats’ Management of Kavanaugh Accusation

posted by Hannity Staff - 10.01.18

Sen. Lindsey Graham called for a full investigation into the Democratic handling of Dr. Christine Ford’s 36-year-old allegation of sexual assault by Judge Brett Kavanaugh over the weekend; saying he intends to get to the bottom of this “despicable process.”

The GOP leader was speaking with ABC News when he slammed Sen. Feinstein’s delay in coming forward with the accusation at the beginning of the confirmation process; adding “We’re going to do a wholesale, full scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again.”

“The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I’m going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee. Who betrayed Dr. Ford’s trust? Who in Feinstein’s office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?” he said.

“All I can tell you is it came from somebody with a political motive,” he said. “No friend would do this to Dr. Ford.”

Read the full story at the Washington Examiner.

GRAHAM SPEAKS: Sen. Lindsey Graham Weighs-in on Flake’s Call for FBI Probe

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.28.18

Sen. Lindsey Graham weighed-in on Jeff Flake’s last-minute call for a ‘one week’ FBI investigation Friday afternoon; saying the GOP lawmaker was attempting to “bring the country together.”

The outspoken Kavanaugh-supporter spoke with reporters minutes after the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance the judge’s nomination, with Sen. Flake calling on GOP leadership to delay the vote “one week” to allow the FBI to probe allegations of sexual misconduct in the early 1980s.

“I don’t expect any [Democrats] to vote for the guy… Jeff’s trying his best to bring the country together in the best way he knows how,” said Graham.

GRAHAM ON HANNITY: Democrats Have 'NO BOUNDARIES' in 'Destroying' Donald Trump

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.25.18

Sen. Lindsey Graham stopped by ‘Hannity’ Monday night to weigh-in on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process; saying “there are no boundaries” when it comes to opposing President Trump and his agenda.

“For [Democrats] to complain about the process is like an arsonist complaining about a fire. The allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are collapsing. This has been the worst low point in the Senate for me and that is saying a lot,” Graham said.

“I never thought it would get this bad. We are going to have a hearing Thursday and have a vote soon thereafter. And I look forward to supporting this good man,” the Senator added. “The takeaway for me, Sean, is that when it comes to Donald Trump, there are no boundaries, there are no rules. Whatever you need to do to destroy him or his agenda is okay.”

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