
TRUMP: ‘I Would Like to Thank the Democrats for Holding This Morning’s Hearing’

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.24.19

President Trump weighed-in Wednesday on Robert Mueller’s disastrous Congressional testimony; thanking the Democratic Party “for holding this morning’s hearings” and calling Rep. Adam Schiff an “embarrassment to our country.”

“I would like to thank the Democrats for holding this morning’s hearing. Now, after 3 hours, Robert Mueller has to subject himself to #ShiftySchiff – an Embarrassment to our Country!” tweeted Trump.

The New York Post Editorial Board blasted Rep. Jerrold Nadler’s Mueller hearing Wednesday; calling the entire spectacle a “waste of everyone’s time.”

“By all accounts, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler hoped that dragging in former special counsel Bob Mueller for a hearing would jump-start his drive to get going on impeachment. Oops: It was a total waste of time,” writes the Editorial Board. “Mueller made it clear long in advance that he didn’t want to testify, and wouldn’t talk about anything except what was in his report. He even got the Justice Department to issue a guidance instructing him to keep to his preferred limits.”

“What did we learn? Nothing. What’s the impact? Nothing. If Nadler was hoping to get Democrats and their voters energized about impeachment, he’ll surely be disappointed. And we’re no closer to knowing how much this long investigation relied on opposition research by Hillary Clinton and dirty tricks by intelligence operatives appalled by Donald Trump,” adds the Post.

Sen. Lindsey Graham weighed-in Wednesday afternoon on Robert Mueller’s “confusing and sad” testimony before Congress; calling his behavior “dangerous and ridiculous.”

“Wow. Robert Mueller changing the job of a prosecutor from proving someone ‘Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt’ to ‘Not being able to exonerate someone accused of a crime.’ Dangerous and ridiculous. Thus far Mueller completely contradicts what he told AG Barr about the reason not to proceed on the obstruction of justice. He told AG Barr that the decision not to proceed was not solely based on the OLC opinion but on complicated facts in the law. Mueller hearing becoming very confusing and sad,” posted Graham on social media.

BOB’S VERY BAD DAY: Mueller Says He’s ‘Not Familiar’ With Fusion GPS, Firm Behind Steele Dossier

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.24.19

Former special counsel Robert Mueller stunned lawmakers on Capitol Hill during his Congressional testimony Wednesday; telling legislators he was “not familiar” with opposition-research firm Fusion GPS.

“When discussing the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, you reference ‘the firm that produced the Steele reporting.’ The name of that firm was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Steve Chabot.

“Page 103. That’s correct- Volume II. When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting, the name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?” pressed Chabot.

“I am not familiar with—with that, I—,” Mueller replied.

“It was. It’s not a trick question. It was Fusion GPS,” Chabot said.

“Steele authored and compiled information for the controversial and unverified anti-Trump dossier on behalf of Fusion GPS — the firm that was hired to conduct opposition research funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign through law firm Perkins Coie,” reports Fox News.

That document was then used to obtain FISA warrants against individuals close to the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Sen. Lindsey Graham weighed-in Wednesday afternoon on Robert Mueller’s “confusing and sad” testimony before Congress; calling his behavior “dangerous and ridiculous.”

“Wow. Robert Mueller changing the job of a prosecutor from proving someone ‘Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt’ to ‘Not being able to exonerate someone accused of a crime.’ Dangerous and ridiculous. Thus far Mueller completely contradicts what he told AG Barr about the reason not to proceed on the obstruction of justice. He told AG Barr that the decision not to proceed was not solely based on the OLC opinion but on complicated facts in the law. Mueller hearing becoming very confusing and sad,” posted Graham on social media.

The mainstream media is already downplaying Robert Mueller’s highly-anticipated testimony hours before its conclusion; labeling the event a ‘Day of Disappointments’ for Congressional Democrats.

Read the full report at Fox News.

GRAHAM ON HANNITY: Dems Are ‘MAD’ at Barr Because They Didn’t Get the ‘Outcome They Wanted’

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.02.19

Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham stopped-by ‘Hannity’ Wednesday night to weigh-in on Attorney General William Barr’s congressional testimony; saying Democrats are simply “mad” because they didn’t “get the outcome they wanted.”

“To all my friends on the other side… We gave Mueller two years to do his job. He had 19 lawyers, he had $25 million, he interviewed 500 people, he issued 2,000 subpoenas, he had plenty of opportunity without interference… Here’s what we know: There was no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” said Graham.

“It is over. The reason they’re mad at Barr and me is because they didn’t get the outcome they want. My friends on the other side want an outcome, and they don’t care how they get it,” he added.

Watch Graham on ‘Hannity’ above.

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