
TRUMP BUMP: Gallup Poll Shows GOP Approval Rating HIGHEST in 7 YEARS

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.24.18

Despite months of non-stop attacks and outright opposition from the mainstream media, President Trump continues to improve the overall rating of the Republican Party; with new data showing GOP favorability at its highest point in seven years.

According to Gallup, favorability ratings for the Republican Party reached 45% in recent weeks compared to the Democrats 44%; posting levels not seen since January 2011.

The figures represent a 9-point increase from September.

“The parity in Republicans’ and Democrats’ favorable ratings marks a change from what has generally been the case since Barack Obama’s election as president in November 2008. Republicans have usually been rated less positively than Democrats over this time, with the Republican Party’s favorability rating for the last decade averaging 39%, compared with the Democratic Party’s 44%,” writes the report.

“The overall increase in the favorable image of the Republican Party is a result of a jump in the positive views of Republicans, including independents who lean toward the party,” adds the survey.

Read the full story here.

TRUMP BUMP: January Job ESTIMATES SMASH Expectations, US Economy Roars

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.31.18

The American economy continued to roar in January, with private payroll growing by a whopping 234,000 jobs; smashing earlier estimates and showing further signs the ‘Trump Bump’ is adding rocket-fuel to an already robust economy.

According to CNBC, the United States job market added over 230,000 full-time employees, beating previous expectations that placed job growth at 185,000. The revised data signals a strong start to 2018 with unemployment claims at record lows and wages rising for the first time in decades.

“Job creation was concentrated largely in service-related industries, which contributed 212,000 to the total,” writes CNBC.

“Within that sector some of the better-paying industries showed solid gains: Trade, transportation and utilities led with 51,000, education and health services added 47,000 and professional and businesses services contributed 46,000. Leisure and hospitality services also grew by 46,000,” the site adds.

“The job market juggernaut marches on,” said a chief economist at Moody’s. “Given the strong January job gain, 2018 is on track to be the eighth consecutive year in which the economy creates over 2 million jobs. If it falls short, it is likely because businesses can’t find workers to fill all the open job positions.”

TRUMP BUMP: New Poll Shows More Americans Credit TRUMP than OBAMA for Booming Economy

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.07.18

A new poll from Rasmussen Reports shows more Americans crediting President Trump for the booming US economy than his predecessor; raising serious questions for Democrats struggling to downplay the soaring recovery.

The survey shows over 50% of American voters believe the strong economic data, unemployment rate, and 4.1% GDP growth are directly related to Trump’s policies, with 40% giving credit to former President Barack Obama.

“With the unemployment rate still among 18-year lows and the Dow Jones Industrial Average still among all-time highs, voters are slowly giving President Trump more credit than President Obama for the improving economy, though there remains a stark partisan divide,” writes Rasmussen.

“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters now believe the improving economy is due more to Trump than Obama, while 40% think it is more the result of the policies Obama put in place before he left office,” adds the report.

Read the full poll results here.

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