The folks over at MSDNC are having a hard time spinning any good news for failing President Biden. During Tuesday’s episode of The ReidOut, political commentator Steve Kornacki outlined how President Joe Biden’s approval rating could deliver devastating election results for Democrats.
“First the big picture indicator, we always say the president’s job approval rating, usually the most reliable indicator of how midterms are going to go. For Democrats, not good news. Joe Biden’s approval rating is 42.7%,” Kornacki told host Joy Reid. “Put that in perspective with modern presidents in their first midterm. Biden’s right at the same level that Trump, Obama, and Bill Clinton were in what were brutal midterms for them.”
“The only exception in modern times, George W. Bush, a year after 9/11,” Kornacki continued. “You see what this meant: for Trump, he lost the house in ’18, for Obama, his party lost the party in ’10, for Clinton, his party lost the house in `94. Biden’s approval rating is right in the range. That’s the bad news for Democrats.”
Watch the clip above.