
THIS IS 'FEIN': Cali Senator Launches into Remarks During Roll Call, Needs Help Saying 'Aye' [WATCH]

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.27.23

The 90-year-old Senator continues to struggle.

During a routine Senate committee proceeding on Thursday, California Senator Dianne Feinstein launched into a set of prepared remarks while the committee was taking roll call. Feinstein spoke for nearly a minute before being cut off.

“I would like to support a ‘yes’ vote on this,” Feinstein said. “It provides $823 billion — that’s an increase of $26 billion for the Department of Defense, and it funds priorities submitted—”

The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee fell silent as Feinstein figured it out.

“Just say, ‘Aye,'” Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) told Feinstein.

“Pardon me,” Feinstein responded.

“Aye,” Murray reiterated.


Watch the moment above.

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