Bidenomics is a Bust

THIS IS BIDENOMICS: CBS Anchor Can't Find One Person Who Feels Good About the Economy [WATCH]

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.26.24

CBS Mornings co-host Tony Dokoupil was surprised this week when he interviewed several people outside a supermarket in New Hampshire — and not a single person felt good about the economy.

“People are really bummed out about the economy here in New Hampshire. Even if the overall big picture numbers are going in the right direction, and even if people’s own personal experiences in general are going okay, there’s a lot of gloom,” Dokoupil told his fellow anchors this week.

Noting why, he said, “Food prices, for example, are generally going up. And we talked to a bunch of people outside of a grocery store in Derry, New Hampshire — we couldn’t find anybody feeling good about the economy.”

“Yeah, they’re making it. But are they bothered by the fact that frozen OJ has gone up double digits and that steak on Friday’s up double digits? Absolutely. And that’s really driving people’s perspective on things,” he declared.

Watch the clip below:

From The New York Post:

The anchor expressed that the negative view is “just human nature,” adding, “Psychologically, you go into a store, if you’re paying more for items that you get every week, that really sticks with you, it really annoys you, it gets you down. People were upset about it.”

He did note that locals are surviving, that they are “making it” despite the higher prices, although they are annoyed.

More over at The New York Post:

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