C'mon Man!

THE STURDY DOZEN: Joe Stands 12 MINUTES with UAW, Manages Not to Fall, Ditches for Fundraiser

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.26.23

According to a New York Post report, President Joe Biden spent just 12 minutes on the picket line with the United Auto Workers (UAW) on Tuesday before hopping back on Air Force One for a Silicon Valley Fundraiser —and he didn’t fall once.

“Wall Street didn’t build the country — the middle class built the country,” Biden, 80, yelled through a bullhorn to cheers. “Unions built the middle class. That’s a fact. So let’s keep going. You deserve what you’ve earned and you’ve earned a hell of a lot more than you’re getting paid now.”

From The New York Post:

Biden became the first sitting president to visit a picket line, but the UAW has so far withheld its endorsement of the president’s re-election campaign due to his administration’s push to transition car buyers to foreign-made electric vehicles.

Former President Donald Trump, Biden’s expected rival in the 2024 election, will deliver a speech on Wednesday night to union workers rather than attend the second Republican primary debate in Simi Valley, Calif.

The White House has declined to say whether the president supports the striking workers’ demands of a 40% pay raise and a 32-hour work week, though Biden answered “yes” when asked by a reporter Tuesday if he thought the salary hike was deserved.

Onboard Air Force One en route to Detroit, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre also declined to say whether the work stoppage could hurt Biden’s chances of re-election if the ripple effects hit the US economy.

Axios released a report on Tuesday highlighting how much effort Biden’s team has been putting in to ensure Joe doesn’t fall down. And while he almost lost it walking down the steps of Air Force One, he made it all 12 minutes without wiping out in front of the auto workers.

More over at The New York Post:

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