Debate night is almost here…
During Wednesday night’s Hannity, host Sean Hannity asked the question on every conservative American’s mind: Can CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash effectively and fairly moderate the presidential debate?
The conservative consensus: not likely. According to a Sean Hannity audience poll, more than 90% think Tapper and Bash will be biased with an obvious pro-Biden agenda.
Hannity said he hopes the CNN hosts will hold a fair and balanced debate but “the odds are low.”
“Between the format of tomorrow’s contest, the pro-Biden moderators, the liberal producers at fake news CNN — they’ve done everything they can do to set him [Biden] up for success.”
Who will show: Sleepy or Jacked-Up Joe? Has the week at Camp David done him any good?
Time will tell.
Watch Hanniyt’s monologue above.