Economic Crisis

THE ECONOMY STINKS, JOE! Pessimism on Economy Hits Record High, New Poll Shows [READ IT]

posted by Hannity Staff - 4.18.23

According to a recently released CNBC survey, public pessimism in the economy is at a record high; “A record 69% of the public holds negative views about the economy both now and in the future,” CNBC says.

From CNBC:

Amid persistent inflation, higher interest rates and recession worries, Americans have never been more negative about the economy, according to the latest CNBC All-America Economic Survey.

A record 69% of the public holds negative views about the economy both now and in the future, the highest percentage in the survey’s 17-year history.

The survey of 1,000 people nationwide, with a margin of error of +/-3.1%, found that about two-thirds of Americans say their wages are falling behind inflation, and two-thirds say the nation is headed for recession or already in one.

The fallout from these negative views is hitting President Joe Biden’s approval rating.

His overall rating fell by 2 percentage points to 39% and his disapproval rating rose by a point to 55% compared with the November survey.

More over at CNBC:

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