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SENATORS FOR SALE?! James O'Keefe Drops Bombshell BlackRock Video [WATCH]

posted by Hannity Staff - 6.21.23

OMG Media founder James O’Keefe is back with another bombshell undercover video revealing how BlackRock —a prominent investment management and financial services firm —”buys” Senators and influences politics and policy.

According to The Daily Wire, “A journalist working for the O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) spoke with BlackRock recruiter Serge Varlay — who told her that because of the vast sums of money the company controls in the global market, they can essentially ‘run the world.’ He began with a caveat, noting that BlackRock did not necessarily want people to notice what they were doing.”

“They don’t want to be in the news. They don’t want people to talk about them. They don’t want to be anywhere on the radar,” he said, and when the journalist asked him why, he paused. “I don’t know, but I suspect it’s because it’s easier to do things when people aren’t thinking about it.”

Varlay explains that BlackRock isn’t the only financial services firm that does these things.

“All of these financial institutions, they buy politicians,” he said. “You can take this big f*** ton of money and buy people … It’s not who is the president, it’s who is controlling the wallet of the president. You could buy your candidates. First, there is the senators, these guys are f***ing cheap. Got 10 grand? You can buy a senator. I’ll give you 500k right now … It doesn’t matter who wins, they’re in my pocket.”

Varlay also discusses the war in Ukraine.

“Ukraine is good for business, you know that right? Russia blows up Ukraine’s grain silos and the price of wheat is going to go mad up. The Ukrainian economy is tied very largely to the wheat market. The price of bread, literally everything goes up and down, this is fantastic if you’re trading,” Varlay continued, adding, “Volatility creates opportunity to make profit. War is real f***ing good for business. It’s exciting when s*** goes wrong, right?”

O’Keefe shared the bombshell footage on Twitter, saying: BREAKING: @BlackRock Recruiter Who “Decides People’s Fate” Spills Info on Company’s World Impact “It’s not who the president is- it’s who’s controlling the wallet of the president” “You got $10K? You can buy a senator” “War is real f***ing good for business” #BlackRockExposed

Watch the video above.

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