Senator Marco Rubio doubled-down on his fierce opposition to the Democrats’ latest impeachment fantasy Wednesday; saying he’ll vote to end the trial “the first chance he gets.”
“The first chance I get to end this trial, I’ll vote for it. And every chance I get, I will. This is terrible for the country,” said Rubio.
“It sets a terrible precedent. Only in the third world do you see this habitual use of prosecutions of former leaders,” he added. “It sets a terrible precedent. My hope is we can move forward and deal with the things we need to deal with.”
Sen. Marco Rubio: "The first chance I get to end this trial, I'll vote for it. And every chance I get, I will. This is terrible for the country."
— The Hill (@thehill) January 27, 2021
Watch Rubio’s comments above.
RUBIO ON HANNITY: Bernie Sanders Isn’t a Socialist, He’s a Marxist
Former presidential candidate Marco Rubio stopped-by ‘Hannity’ Tuesday night to comment on the tenth Democratic Debate; saying Senator Bernie Sanders isn’t truly a Democratic Socialist, but really a Marxist.
“He’s gotten away with it for years, telling people he’s a socialist. He’s not a socialist, he’s a Marxist. Marxism is based on the belief that no person has any value as an individual. You’re a member of a class,” said Rubio.
“His ideas are Marxist ideas. Marxism always leads to authoritarianism and dictatorship eventually, everywhere in the world that it’s been tried,” he added. “Bernie Sanders is the likely Democratic nominee, and he’s a Marxist.”
Watch Rubio’s comments above.
RUBIO RIPS IMPEACHMENT: Senator Says Trump Trial ‘Not Even Constitutional’
Senator Marco Rubio ripped the Democrats’ latest impeachment frenzy this week; saying the entire exercise to “remove” a person no longer in office “isn’t even Constitutional.”
“It’s not even constitutional,” Rubio told “Your World” host Neil Cavuto. “Logic tells you that.”
“The automatic consequence of impeachment and trial, if you’re convicted, the automatic consequence of it is you’re removed from office,” Rubio added. “That’s the automatic consequence of this process.
Waste of time impeachment isn’t about accountability
It’s about demands from vengeance from the radical left
And a new “show” for the “Political Entertainment Industry”
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) January 26, 2021
“How can you put someone through a process where the automatic consequence is impossible?” Rubio asked. “You cannot remove Donald Trump from office [because] he’s not in office.”
“This is a country that’s already deeply divided,” he said earlier in the week. “Politics has become very emotional. People literally hate each other in this country over politics. And now on top of that fire, we’re going to pour all of this gasoline and really get it going hotter … It’s all about the left’s demand for revenge.”
Read the full report at Fox News.