By The New York Post Editorial Board
Chris Cillizza, formerly of The Washington Post and CNN, just recorded a mea culpa about how, “as a reporter,” he “should have pushed harder earlier for more information about Joe Biden’s mental and physical well-being and any signs of decline.” Give us a break.
This is the same “journalist” who penned the outraged CNN news analysis, “Republicans keep trying to make Biden’s mental capacity an issue” back in August 2021, months after White House aides had begun secretly rescheduling national-security briefings because the prez had “good days and bad days.”
That’s just one of the revelations in this week’s landmark Wall Street Journal report that top staff knew about Biden’s cognitive decline from Day 1 — and covered it up.
They not only hid him from the public eye, they minimized face-to-face meetings with members of Congress and even his Cabinet members.
And Cillizza and the rest of the prestige media played along, regularly attacking Republicans and dissenting media for even raising the obvious issue.
Cillizza’s sin is not failing to “push harder,” it’s that he was a propagandist for the administration because he wanted Democrats to win.
That the president was aging badly was obvious enough from what the public saw when he was allowed out on his “good days” — but only core staff, the first family and other intimates saw how far he sunk on his bad days, while the likes of the Obamas and top Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer had to at least suspect the truth.
Yet everyone acted as if — even insisted, over and over again — Biden was fit to run the country, and the media played faithful stenographers.
Cillizza slammed Republicans for even asking about the president’s condition: “This is the sort of gross, lowest-common-denominator politics that drive people away from public life,” he postured, and: “If Republicans have some sort of proof that Biden is declining, they should bring it forward” or “stop doing what they’re doing.”
By then, Biden had already called Kamala Harris the “president-elect” and “President Harris” on two separate occasions, repeatedly lost his train of thought during a press conference, fallen going up the steps of Air Force One, and referred to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin as “My (pause) the guy who runs that outfit over there,” among countless other public gaffes and fumbles.
No one needed to “bring proof forward”; it was staring everyone painfully in the face.
Cillizza now claims he was snowed by the White House line that raising the issue was “offensive,” but that only means he chose to buy it.
As did all the hacks who joined in condemning special counsel Robert Hur early this year when he attested to Biden’s failings the previous October, and those who in June echoed the White House’s absurd “cheap fakes” excuse for damning videos of the prez’s sheer haplessness.
The people surrounding the president of the United States for four years hid the fact that he couldn’t reliably run the country — and most of the Fourth Estate played along.
This unforgivable, dangerous lie stands to be the biggest political and media scandal of the modern era.
It makes Watergate look quaint in comparison.
And it’s ample reason for the public not to trust Democrats on anything ever again, and that goes double for their media lapdogs.
Dems and their media lapdogs hid Biden’s senility for years, and the public must never forget it
— NY Post Opinion (@NYPostOpinion) December 20, 2024