
NOT SO FAST: Boston Herald Reporter Says Americans Already ‘TIRED’ of Elizabeth Warren

posted by Hannity Staff - 12.10.18

The Chief Washington reporter for the Boston Herald threw even more cold-water on Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s potential bid for the White House over the weekend; saying the American people are already growing “tired” of the progressive lawmaker.

Journalist Kimberly Atkins was speaking with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd when she was asked to comment on Warren’s political future following her “terrible” DNA result rollout.

“Is there a split inside Warren world? Is there something we’re seeing here?” asked Todd.

“Sadly enough, we’re two years out of the presidential election. Elizabeth Warren’s biggest problem is that people are already getting tired of her… The pushback she got after that terrible DNA rollout… That’s a problem for her,” said Atkins.

DEM DENIAL: Warren Dismisses Unemployment Rate, Says Americans WORKING 4 JOBS to Survive

posted by Hannity Staff - 7.20.18

Hyper-liberal Senator and possible 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren out-right dismissed the booming US economy Thursday, bizarrely claiming that Americans are working 3 or 4 jobs to “put food on the table.”

The firebrand Senator was speaking with MSNBC when she was asked to comment on July’s jobs report which showed unemployment claims fell to the lowest levels seen since 1969.

“When corporations are doing well they no longer share with their employees. There was a time when the unemployment rate went down and it was a great thing.  When people are working minimum wage jobs, or they’re working 2, 3, or 4 jobs to put food on the table… to simply say the unemployment rate went down just doesn’t get you there,” said Warren.

Watch the Senator’s comments above.

FIREWORKS: Sen. Warren ROASTED at Town Hall for Saying Justice System COMPLETELY ‘RACIST’

posted by Hannity Staff - 8.10.18

Firebrand Senator Elizabeth Warren was publicly called-out during a Town Hall event this week, with one person asking if she was severely damaging the US justice system after she referred to it as “racist from front to back.”

Warren was speaking in Fitchburg, Massachusetts when one man confronted the liberal legislator for claiming thousands of workers in the US Justice System were inherently “racist.”

“As a young American of color the recent comments you made are disconcerting to me… I’m just concerned that your rhetoric is inciting some of the division you claim the President is purporting,” said the questioner.

Watch the fiery exchange above.

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