Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody joined Fox & Friends First to discuss Governor Ron DeSantis’ recent actions against Biden’s secret migrant flights. Moody says a new strike force is being formed to combat migrant flights illegally “smuggling” immigrants into Florida, as well as drug smuggling and human trafficking, Fox News reports.
Excerpts from Moody’s interview below. Watch the video above.
ASHLEY MOODY: It’s a wonderful thing to work as an attorney general alongside a governor like Ron DeSantis, who doesn’t ignore when criminal activities are going on and doesn’t make decisions or policies that embolden criminal organizations. He actually watches very closely what is going on within our state, within our borders, and takes action to combat that. And we’ve received information that our law enforcement has routinely engaged those smuggling folks into our state, uncovering large amounts of drugs enough to kill thousands of Floridians. And enough is enough.
You can’t have illegal activities going on right in front of you and pretend they’re not happening. As executive officials, we have a duty to act. And so this is a really strong, bold step by Governor DeSantis to call upon our office to work with and impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate how organizations and folks are helping, aiding and abetting these criminal transnational organizations that are smuggling children in a very dangerous way.