A surprising new poll from Rasmussen Reports could spell disaster for handful of potential 2020 front-runners, with the survey revealing a vast majority of Democrats prefer a “fresh face” to take on Donald Trump in the 2020 race for the White House.
According to the poll, a whopping 73% of Democratic voters are hoping to “turn to someone new” to challenge President Trump, with just 16% saying the party should look to the past and nominate someone who’s already ran for the Oval Office.
“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 73% of Likely Democratic Voters believe their party should look for a fresh face to run for president in 2020. Just 16% disagree and think the party should promote a candidate who has already run in the past. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided,” adds the survey.
The new data could signal trouble for the party’s three front-runners -Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders- who have all launched previous bids for the White House.
Read the poll here.
BERNIE’S BACK? Campaign Manager Says Sanders ‘Considering’ Run in 2020
Bernie Sander’s former campaign manager told reporters Tuesday the Vermont Senator is actively considering a run for the White House against Donald Trump in 2020; setting the stage for a high-stakes showdown within the Democratic Party.
According to Yahoo News, former campaign manager Jeff Weaver confirmed the ultra-liberal legislator was weighing another run for the Oval Office, saying “He is considering another run for the presidency.”
“And when the time comes, I think we’ll have an answer to that, but right now, he’s still considering it,” he added.
Weaver’s comments come two years after Senator Sanders was defeated by Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Democratic primary season; with many critics claiming Clinton “rigged” the election away from the Vermont Senator.
“Anybody who follows Bernie Sanders for one day and sees his schedule, and how rigorous it is, and how he drives everybody around him, works them into the ground with the amount of work and energy he has, I think they would understand that his chronological age is just not really a measure of his true age,” Weaver said. “[He] is an extremely energetic and vigorous person, and has more energy, I would say, than people half his age.”
Read the full story here.
BIAS ALERT: CBS Begs OPRAH to Run Against Trump in 2020, Says She Can 'Heal' People
The mainstream media’s non-stop obsession with a possible Oprah-Trump match-up in 2020 was on full display Thursday; with CBS News openly begging the television superstar to run against the President because she can help “heal and connect all people.”
Winfrey was speaking with CBS ‘This Morning’ to promote her upcoming young-adult movie ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ when she was asked if she was considering a bid for the White House.
“Nobody should be convinced to run for the Presidency,” said co-host Gayle King. “But I also think you have a very unique ability in terms of healing and connecting all people.”
“I have great compassion for people, but I think you need more than compassion to be President of the United States,” said Winfrey.
The morning anchor went on to quote the late poet Maya Angelou in her attempt to draft Oprah into the race; asking her “What do you think Maya would say? It’s one of these times I wish Maya was here.”
Watch the blatant bias below: