
NO THANK YOU! Newsom Urges Biden to Replicate California’s ‘Policy Innovations’ All Across America

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.21.21

California Governor Gavin Newsom praised the Golden State’s “policy innovations” in a recently released letter to the White House; urging President Biden to implement similar proposals all across the country.

“I offer you my full partnership and support as you take office and inherit the tremendous responsibility to restore our nation’s economy and place of leadership on the global stage — all while working to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end,” Newsom wrote.


“Having a true partner in the White House — and an Administration aligned with so many of our values — is a game changer for Californians,” Newsom wrote.


“Gov. Newsom’s letter to President Biden says he ‘stands ready’ to ‘highlight’ California’s ‘policy innovations’ so they can be scaled nationally. I stand ready to highlight California’s policy failures so they can be averted nationally,” wrote one California lawmaker.

BUSTED! New Photos of Newsom’s Dinner Party Raise Questions Over How ‘Outdoors’ the Event Was

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.18.20

Reporters from Fox Los Angeles published new photos of Gavin Newsom’s infamous dinner party on social media Wednesday; raising new questions over his apology and just how “outdoors” the event was.

“We’ve obtained photos of Governor Gavin Newsom at the Napa dinner party he’s in hot water over. The photos call into question just how outdoors the dinner was. A witness who took photos tells us his group was so loud, the sliding doors had to be closed,” reports Bill Melugin with Fox LA.

“We checked the metadata on the photos to confirm legitimacy. Taken at 11/6/2020 at 6:20pm with a location tag at The French Laundry. We interviewed the witness. We’ve also reached out to the Governor’s team for a response, and we got one,” adds the reporter.

BUSTED: Newsom Apologizes After Caught Attending Friend’s 50th Birthday Party in Napa Valley

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.17.20

California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an apology to the residents of his state this week after he was caught celebrating a friend’s 50th birthday party at a restaurant in Napa Valley.

“A few weeks ago, I was asked to go to a friend’s 50th birthday… A friend I’ve known for almost 20 years. It was in Napa… It was an outdoor restaurant. The program started at 4 o’clock, I got there a little late… I made a bad mistake. Instead of sitting down, I should have stood up and drove back to my house,” said Newsom.

“Instead, I chose to sit there… I want to apologize to you. I need to preach and practice. I’ve done my best to do that. We’re all human, we all fall short sometimes,” he added.

Watch Newsom’s apology above.

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