Liberal students at New York University didn’t hold back when asked about President Trump’s first State of the Union address, blasting the Commander-in-Chief’s “racist” and “hateful” speech one week before it happens.
Campus Reform took to the streets of lower Manhattan this week to ask left-wing millennials their reaction to Trump’s address to both Houses of Congress; prompting the students to weigh-in on the President’s “address that took place last night.”
“We’ve been getting people’s reactions today to the State of the Union last night. Some people were saying it was the most racist State of the Union that’s ever happened. What was your reaction to everything that was said,” asked the reporter.
“Quite racist at the very least. If not up there with most racist,” said one student.
“It’s something that I wouldn’t have expected to happen in our lifetime… It’s offensive, it is crazy, but I’m not shocked by it based on what he’s done in the past.,” fired-back another.
Watch the hilarious video above.
CHAOS ON CAMPUS: University of Wisconsin to Punish Student Protesters
The University of Wisconsin approved a controversial policy over the weekend, outlining the campus’s restrictions regarding protesting students and saying those who “disrupt campus speeches” will be disciplined and possibly expelled.
According to the Associated Press, the university’s leadership announced the new measures on Friday, saying they would suspend and expel students who commit multiple violations of the school’s free speech policies.
The new rules state that students who “disrupt” free speech rallies or events will be suspended after their second offense, and expelled if caught protesting three times; urging faculty members and the student body to experience “all sides” of the political debate.
“Perhaps the most important thing we can do as a university is to teach students how to engage and listen to those with whom they differ,” said President Ray Cross. “If we don’t show students how to do this, who will? Without civil discourse and a willingness to listen and engage with different voices, all we are doing is reinforcing our existing values.”
The school’s decision comes after months of student protests at the University of California at Berkeley over conservative and right-wing speeches and rallies; with many protests turning violent. The demonstrations prompted calls from conservatives around the country to gain equal access to University speaking tours as their liberal counterparts.
Liberals on the campus are calling the guidelines “restrictive,” saying the new policy will “suppress free speech.”
“Who’s going to show up to a protest if they think they could be potentially expelled?” asked Democratic State Rep. Chris Taylor, whose district includes the school’s campus.
CAMPUS CHAOS: Liberal Colleges Clampdown on 'Offensive' Halloween Costumes
As college students prepare to enjoy Halloween festivities throughout the country, liberal universities across the US are releasing new guidelines restricting costumes that some may find “offensive.”
The “Inclusion” policy released by Northern Arizona University warns students of the dangers of “cultural appropriation,” telling them to avoid dressing as caricatures of a “culture that is not one’s own.”
“Cultural appropriation means adopting a cultural product in terms of local meanings and practices. In its broadest sense the term means taking an existing cultural form from one social group and replaying it in another with different meanings or practices,” said the school’s website.
The University of St. Thomas also released policies regarding “acceptable student costumes” in an article titled, “Costume or Cultural Appropriation?”
“The leaves are falling, the temperature is dropping, and Halloween is just around the corner. Many would argue that Halloween is the day of the year where you can be whoever, or whatever you want. However, it’s important to know the distinction between what is funny and what is cultural appropriation,” writes the author.
“Does my costume represent a culture that is not my own?” it urges students to ask before leaving their dormitories.
Read the liberal memo below: