
LIFE SUPPORT: Obama Tries to Revive McAuliffe in Virginia, Says GOP Exploiting ‘Trumped-Up Culture Wars’

posted by Hannity Staff - 10.25.21

Former President Barack Obama campaigned with gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe in Virginia over the weekend as the Democrat remains in a virtual tie with Republican Glenn Youngkin; telling supporters Republicans are using “trumped-up culture wars” to win.

“We don’t have time to be wasted on these phony trumped-up culture wars, this fake outrage, the right-wing media’s pedals to juice their ratings,” said the 44th President of the United States.

McAuliffe refused to answer a reporter’s question last week when asked to comment on a local school district, instead asking if the journalist was “vaccinated.”

“I hope you’re vaccinated young lady!” said the Democrat.


McAuliffe bolted from another interview over the same subject.

“So are you saying parents shouldn’t have a voice in their kids’ education?” asked the reporter.

“Sure, parents should have a voice. And parents do have a voice,” fired-back the candidate.

“He’s talking about issues that don’t even exist in Virginia and we’ve got to move past that,” McAuliffe said.

Watch Terry’s tantrum above.

McAULIFFE MELTDOWN: Dem Erupts When Asked Whether Parents Should Be in Charge of Education

posted by Hannity Staff - 10.14.21

Virginia Gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe erupted on a reporter during his final weeks of campaigning Thursday; demanding to know if the citizen was “vaccinated” when asked about his policies regarding public schools.

“Who do you think should be in control of education?” asked one concerned citizen.

“Have you been vaccinated yet?” yelled McAuliffe. “That’s the question I want to know! You should have a mask on! You’re dangerous here!”

McAuliffe concerned countless parents across the Commonwealth during a fiery debate when he said parents should not be in control of their children’s education.

“I’m not going to let parents come into schools and take books out and make their own decisions. I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” McAuliffe told the crowd.


The state’s school system has become a national focal point over issues like Critical Race Theory, the treatment of transgender children, and others.

Virginia’s Department of Education is also urging local districts across the commonwealth to abandon “gendered” events like the “Father-Daughter Dance” and other “sex-segregated activities.”

“The department’s Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools was developed pursuant to legislation passed last year by the state legislature and signed into law by Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam,” reports JustTheNews.com.

“The rules were quietly promulgated earlier this year, but generated interest and controversy late this month as some school officials publicized efforts to come in line with the guidance,” adds the website.

“Gender-based policies, rules, and practices can have the effect of marginalizing, stigmatizing, and excluding students, regardless of their gender identity or gender expression,” it states, citing “practices that may be based on gender” such as “grouping students for class activities, gender-based homecoming or prom courts, limitations on who can attend as ‘couples’ at school dances, and gender-based events such as father-daughter dances.”

Watch McAuliffe’s comments above.

RUN, TERRY, RUN: McAuliffe Flees Reporter Asking About Education, ‘I Hope You’re Vaccinated Young Lady!’

posted by Hannity Staff - 10.22.21

Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Terry McAuliffe refused to answer a reporter’s question this week when asked to comment on a local school district, instead asking if the journalist was “vaccinated.”

“I hope you’re vaccinated young lady!” said the Democrat.


McAuliffe bolted from another interview this week when pressed on the same subject.

“So are you saying parents shouldn’t have a voice in their kids’ education?” asked the reporter.

“Sure, parents should have a voice. And parents do have a voice,” fired-back the candidate.

“He’s talking about issues that don’t even exist in Virginia and we’ve got to move past that,” McAuliffe said.

Watch Terry’s tantrum above.

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