North Korea

KIM’S WARNING: North Korea Says US ‘Ruining Mood’ Ahead of Summit

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.07.18

North Korean officials accused the United States of ‘ruining the mood’ Monday ahead of a historic meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong Un; saying the US was “misleading” the world over the Hermit Kingdom’s weapons program.

According to the Associated Press, authorities in Pyongyang told the state-run news agency that the Trump administration was engaged in a “dangerous attempt” to derail the high-stakes negations just weeks before the leaders are expected to meet.

“The U.S. is deliberately provoking the DPRK at the time when the situation on the Korean Peninsula is moving toward peace and reconciliation,” said a spokesperson for the communist regime.

The comments were widely seen as a negotiating tactic against the Trump administration.

The warning comes after President Trump confirmed to reporters Friday that US and North Korean officials have agreed on a “time and place” to hold the historic summit; the first meeting between an American president and the ruler of North Korea in history.

PEACE IN KOREA: Kim Agrees to GIVE UP Nukes if US PLEDGES 'No Invasion'

posted by Hannity Staff - 4.30.18

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un suggested over the weekend his willingness to not only “cease” his nuclear program, but to completely hand over his weapons should the US pledge never to preemptively “invade” the Hermit Kingdom.

The continued thawing of relations between the US, North, and South Korea continued Sunday, with the brutal despot agreeing to cede his weapons to external authorities if Trump agrees to halt any future attacks on the communist nation.

According to the New York Times, Kim’s concession comes as the dictator agreed to allow both US and South Korean nuclear experts into his country to examine his facilities and testing sites.

The possible two-year denuclearization agreement would need “full, complete, total disclosure of everything related to their nuclear program with a full international verification,” said John Bolton, the President’s National Security Adviser.

“I know the Americans are inherently disposed against us, but when they talk with us, they will see that I am not the kind of person who would shoot nuclear weapons to the south, over the Pacific or at the United States,” the North Korean ruler told the South Korean President this week.

PEACE IN KOREA: Kim Poised to RELEASE Three American Prisoners

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.03.18

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is poised to release at least three American prisoners held by the Hermit Kingdom; setting the stage for his high-level meeting with President Trump in the coming weeks.

According to Reuters, North Korean officials signaled the impending transfer of the prisoners back to US authorities within days; laying the groundwork for an official end to the 68-year long Korean War.

“Certainly, that would be an incredible step and certainly a sign of goodwill moving into the summit, moving into these discussions with North Korea. I can’t comment any further at this point,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Fox News

The move would be another symbolic gesture between Washington and Pyongyang just days after the leaders of North and South Korea agreed to completely “denuclearize” the region.

President Trump is expected to meet Kim Jong Un within weeks, with both sides reportedly agreeing to meet at the heavily fortified de-militarized zone that separates North and South Korea.

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