
ICYMI: TRUMP BUMP: President’s APPROVAL RATING SOARS After State of the Union

posted by Hannity Staff - 2.04.18

President Trump’s approval ratings popped to their highest levels since March of 2017 this week, with the American public supporting the Commander-in-Chief’s agenda following his annual State of the Union address Tuesday night.

According to a new Rasmussen report, the President’s daily-tracking data shows 49% of likely US voters approve of Trump’s job performance, rising to numbers higher than Election Day 2016 -when the President had a 46.1 approval rating.

“The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows President Trump making substantial gains after Tuesday’s State of the Union speech, and achieving his highest voter approval since March 7, 2017,” says the poll.

The poll shows that 35% of registered voters “strongly approve” of the President’s agenda; likely fueled by strong economic growth and record-shattering stock market figures.

“Rasmussen was among the few national polls that accurately predicted the election outcome which vaulted Trump to power,” writes the Daily Mail.

“Unlike other polls that ask questions in live telephone interviews, it relies on push-button phone calls – meaning voters who like Trump’s performance in office aren’t required to say so out loud to another person,” the author adds.

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