America in the Middle East

HALEY: 'We Lost Three Heroes Because Biden Scared of His Own Shadow [WATCH]

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.29.24

GOP presidential nominee Nikki Haley stopped by Squawk Box on CNBC to react to, among other things, the three service members who lost their lives in a drone strike over the weekend.

Co-host Andrew Sorkin asked, “Three troops killed over the weekend and possibly 25 or 30 others injured on the border of Jordan and Syria. What would you be doing right about now in terms of what’s happening in the Middle East? Would we be going to war?”

“The goal is always to prevent war,” Haley replied. “What makes me angry is my husband serving overseas. Military families want to know their loved ones are protected. Biden didn’t protect them and there have been 160 strikes. There shouldn’t have been one. There shouldn’t have been two. And you’ve got 160 and you’ve got dozens injured. We lost three heroes because Biden was scared of his own shadow. That’s the truth.”

“What would that mean in practice?” Sorkin pressed. “When you say Biden didn’t do something, what was that something that he should have been doing?”

“The very first strike that hit, you punch and you punch back hard,” Haley answered. “What they should be doing is going after every ounce of production of those missiles. Wherever those missiles are you take that out. You take out the training sites.”

“Does that risk escalating a war?” Sorkin asked, followed by co-host Becky Quick asking, “Does that mean striking Iran directly?”

“It means striking the resources that are allowing them to hurt our troops. That’s what you’re doing,” Haley explained.

Watch the clip below:

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