Stephen A. Smith stopped by Thursday night’s Hannity to share his reactions to the death of OJ Simpson. Smith says Simpson was “guilty as hell” but understands why the jury found him “Not Guilty.”
Hannity asks Smith what he would have done if he were on the Simpson jury.
“He would have been under the jail. He wouldn’t have gotten off — not if I was on that jury. He was guilty as hell,” Smith says. “There was forensic evidence; there was circumstantial evidence and the manner in which the murders took place — it was clearly a crime of passion.”
“It was clear that there was such a preponderance of evidence against him, he deserved to be in jail for the rest of his life for the very least. The flip side of it is I wasn’t surprised at the verdict and I wasn’t surprised of the reasons that ultimately jurors confessed years later,” Smith added.
“It wasn’t about OJ’s evidence. It was about indicting the LAPD. That is ultimately why OJ Simpson got off.”
Watch Smith’s take above.