A new survey from ABC News is sounding alarm bells inside the Democratic Party is more Americans sour on President Trump and his agenda for the nation.
“Compared to an August ABC News/Ipsos poll, public approval of how Biden is handling key issues — the pandemic, immigration and the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border, gun violence and even rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure, the issue he’s pushing this week — is on the decline. Dissatisfaction among Republicans and independents is fueling the decline, but the president’s ratings are also hampered by more lackluster approval among members of his own party than presidents typically enjoy,” reports ABC News.
“The study, conducted from Saturday to Monday, found that 61 percent of respondents believe the country is on the wrong track, compared to just 39 percent who say the country is ‘going in the right direction,’” adds The Hill.
“The survey also found a record-low overall approval rating for Biden at 47 percent, with 49 percent saying they disapproved of the president’s job performance overall,” adds the website.
Trump approval outpacing Biden's in new poll https://t.co/ojJS1kaVyM pic.twitter.com/bUoEJujoOw
— New York Post (@nypost) September 23, 2021
Biden approval sinks to 44 percent in new Pew poll https://t.co/t0HahYVO50 pic.twitter.com/hn9MSRCvqp
— The Hill (@thehill) September 23, 2021
Former Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard called-out the Biden administration last Wednesday night, saying the current crisis spiraling out of control along the US-Mexico is a direct result of the President’s policies.
“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the humanitarian and national security crisis on the southern border is the direct result of your open-border policy. As I said in my 2020 presidential campaign, we can’t have a secure nation if we don’t secure our borders,” posted Gabbard on Twitter.
.@JoeBiden @KamalaHarris, the humanitarian and national security crisis on the southern border is the direct result of your open-border policy. As I said in my 2020 presidential campaign, we can’t have a secure nation if we don't secure our borders.
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) September 23, 2021
Congresswoman Maxine Waters raised eyebrows among millions of Americans this week when she blamed Donald Trump for the current border crisis and claimed the situation in Texas is now “worse than slavery.”
“Haitians fleeing violence & the lack of a credible government in Haiti are being treated like animals. U.S. government cowboys on horses used whips on Haitians as they sought refuge. Why are we following the Trump policies? This horrendous treatment of Haitians must STOP NOW,” posted Waters on Twitter.
BIDEN in LAS VEGAS: We Need ‘New Technologies... Just Like Here in California!’
Former Vice President Joe Biden continued his gaffe-filled campaign over the weekend; telling supporters in Nevada that America’s ports “need new technologies” just like “here in California.”
“The new technologies are capable of doing so much more. For example, there’s no reason why -at our ports- we don’t have solar capacity to be able to make sure we save a lot of energy, create a lot of new jobs for people out there, just like here in California… I mean… here in Nevada,” said Biden.
"Here in California" – Joe Biden, while in Nevada pic.twitter.com/77zMaSWynG
— Abigail Jackson 🇺🇸 (@abigailmarone) February 16, 2020
Watch Biden’s comments above.
BIDEN in CAROLINA: ‘150 Million People Have Been Killed’ By Gun Violence Since 2007 (45% of US Population)
Former Vice President Joe Biden continued his gaffe-filled campaign campaign during Tuesday night’s Democratic Debate in South Carolina; telling the audience roughly 45% of the US population has been killed by gun violence since 2007.
“150 million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt gun manufacturers from liabilities. More than all the wars -including Vietnam- from that point on. Carnage on our streets. If I’m elected, the NRA, I’m coming for you,” said Biden to applause.
Biden claims firearms have killed more than half of the U.S. population since 2007 pic.twitter.com/a679hcVbYg
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 26, 2020
The Washington Post shot-down Joe Biden’s recent claims he was “arrested” alongside the US Ambassador to the UN while attempting to visit Nelson Mandela during a trip 30 years ago.
“This day, 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid. I had the great honor of meeting him. I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robbens Island,” claims the former Vice President.
The Washington Post called the anecdote “ridiculous.”
New #FactChecker –> Biden’s ridiculous claim he was arrested trying to see Mandela https://t.co/OWaJkXGK7J
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) February 25, 2020
Joe Biden has told voters at least three times that he was arrested in South Africa while trying to visit Nelson Mandela. He has also said Mandela thanked him for being arrested. There’s no evidence to back up either claim, @GlennKesslerWP reports. https://t.co/iTgKumSqUh
— Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) February 25, 2020
“As the Times noted, Biden’s memoir makes no mention of any such arrest. As far as we can tell, Biden never mentioned this arrest before; neither can we locate any news accounts of him being arrested,” adds the Post.
Read the full story here.
Source: Washington Post