
FIREWORKS: Kellyanne Conway SHREDS ‘Smart A**’ Jim Acosta To His Face

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.09.19

Presidential advisor Kellyanne Conway slammed CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta on live television Tuesday; blasting the “smarta**” reporter just hours before the President’s primetime address.

“Kellyanne, can you promise the president will tell the truth tonight?” asked Acosta.

“Yes, Jim. Do you promise that you will? … This is why I am one of the only people around here who even gives you the time of day…because you’re such a smartass most of the time… Most of these people don’t like you,” Conway fired-back.

Watch the fiery exchange above.

KELLYANNE TO NANCY: Tax Cuts Generating ‘REAL BREAD’ for American Families

posted by Hannity Staff - 2.23.18

Senior Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway took a swing at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi during the 2018 CPAC convention Friday, informing the former Speaker of the House that the GOP tax cuts were generating “real bread” and “serious dough” for America’s working families.

Conway was speaking to a panel at the annual event when she weighed-in on Pelosi’s frequent use of the word “crumbs” when describing higher wages and big bonuses that followed the Congressional overhaul of the nation’s tax code.

“These are not crumbs,” said Kellyanne. “This is real bread. I think people are seeing that already. This is some real serious dough, not exactly crumbs. They’re seeing it directly and immediately through wage increases and through bonuses.”

“Secondly, they’re seeing it in their paychecks,” she added.

Watch Kellyanne call-out Nancy’s “crumbs” comment below:

KELLYANNE: Schumer, Others Owe Trump ‘An Apology’ Over MS-13 Remarks

posted by Hannity Staff - 5.17.18

White House senior advisor Kellyanne Conway slammed those critical of President Trump’s use of the term “animals” to describe MS-13 gang members Thursday, saying politicians who “rushed to judgment” owe Trump and gang violence victims “an apology.”

Conway called out the liberal lawmakers on social media, saying they took his words out of context to make it appear as if he was referring to all immigrants as “animals,” not specifically MS-13 gang members.

“Others who rushed to judgment to get the President rather than to get the story owe @POTUS – and the grieving loved ones who have lost family members to gang violence – an apology,” she tweeted.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer slammed the President on twitter Wednesday night, comparing “our great grandparents” to MS-13 gang members; apparently unaware the President was referring to jailed criminals residing in American prisons.

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