Border Crisis

FINISH THE WALL: Rep. Gallagher Introduces Legislation to Force Joe to Complete Border Wall

posted by Hannity Staff - 2.06.24

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) introduced legislation on Monday that would force President Joe Biden to finish the wall at the southern border and pay for it by closing loopholes that allow illegal immigrants to benefit from tax credits and welfare programs, The Daily Caller reports.

It’s called The WALL Act.

From The Daily Caller:

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the legislation, which is titled the WALL Act. The bill would specifically appropriate $25 billion to complete building the wall, offset the wall’s cost by eliminating the entitlement benefits and tax credits that illegal immigrants are using, fining those making illegal entry into the U.S. It would also require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to immediately resume all border wall construction that was planned before Biden took office.

States such as Arizona and Texas have initiated action to continue construction on their sections of the border wall that have been left incomplete.

The Biden administration ended Title 42 on May 11. Title 42 is a public health measure issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that allows the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to rapidly expel migrants on public health grounds.

“President Biden has met the American people’s cry for a secure southern border with hollow actions and far-left policies that pander to his progressive base. This has exacerbated the crisis, threatened our national security, and hurt Wisconsin families. While regaining operational control of the border requires a number of tools – such as additional personnel and enhanced technology – a finished southern border wall is both fundamental and necessary to this effort,” Gallagher told the Caller before introducing the bill.

“This bill is a common-sense way to require the Biden administration to immediately finish the wall and pay for it by limiting illegal immigrants’ abuse of welfare and tax credit program,” Gallagher added.

More over at The Daily Caller:

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