White House Press Briefing

DOOCY BLASTS KIRBY! 'Why Are You Making it Easier for People to Enter the Country Illegally? [WATCH]

posted by Hannity Staff - 1.23.24

During Tuesday’s White House press briefing, Fox News’ Peter Doocy went after the Biden Administration for making it easier for illegal migrants to enter the country.

Doocy’s questions come hot on the heels of the Supreme Court’s ruling that the Biden Administration can remove Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s razor wire along the southern border.

“Why are you guys making it easier for people to enter the country illegally?” Doocy asked John Kirby during Tuesday’s press conference.

“I don’t believe we are. Why do you think we are?” Kirby shot back.

“Well, you guys sued to cut the razor wire…” Doocy started before Kirby interrupted to stress it was so the Border Patrol could do their jobs.

Watch the exchange below:

KJP also did her part to spin the border situation, saying the razor wire was “ineffective.”

Watch the clip below:


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