
COLD WAR 2: Putin Unveils ‘INVINCIBLE’ Missile, Says US ‘FAILED’ to Contain Russia

posted by Hannity Staff - 3.01.18

Russian President Vladimir Putin raised eyebrows throughout Washington Thursday, unveiling a new intercontinental ballistic missile he referred to as “invincible” and saying the United States “failed to contain” Russia’s military expansion and global ambitions.

Putin was speaking at his annual ‘State of the Nation’ speech when he pulled back the curtain on his new missile arsenal, claiming the “hypersonic” weapon can’t be intercepted by US defenses.

“I want to tell all those who have fueled the arms race over the last 15 years, sought to win unilateral advantages over Russia, introduced unlawful sanctions aimed to contain our country’s development: all what you wanted to impede with your policies have already happened,” he said. “You have failed to contain Russia.”

Putin went on to directly threaten the US and European powers, adding that any “nuclear attack” on a Russian ally would be treated as a direct assault on Russia itself; a likely reference to the ongoing Syrian civil war.

“We would consider any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies to be a nuclear attack on our country. The response would be immediate,” he added.

PUTIN BACKS KIM: Russian President Calls UN Sanctions 'Useless'

posted by Hannity Staff - 10.18.17

Russian President Vladimir Putin called additional United Nations sanctions against North Korea “useless and ineffective,” saying the communist nation’s leadership would rather “eat grass” than abandon its nuclear weapons program.

According to the NY Post, Putin was speaking with world leaders at an international summit in China when he commented on US pressure to increase multilateral sanctions against Kim Jong Un following his sixth nuclear test.

The Russian leader warned the United States that additional sanctions would be “useless,” saying dictator Kim Jong Un believes the survival of his government depends on continuing its nuclear and missile programs.

“Saddam Hussein rejected the production of weapons of mass destruction, but even under that pretense, he was destroyed and members of his family were killed,” he said. “The country was demolished and Saddam Hussein was hanged. Everyone knows that and everyone in North Korea knows that,” said Putin.

“They will eat grass but they will not turn away from the path that will provide for their security,” he added.

Though the Kremlin harshly condemned Kim’s nuclear test, Putin also urged the US to back-down from its harsh rhetoric, saying the Trump administration was suffering from “military hysteria.”

PUTIN BACKS KIM: Russian President Warns Trump to Back-Off

posted by Hannity Staff - 11.23.17

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the United States to back-off its harsh rhetoric against North Korea’s weapons and missile programs, calling President Trump’s push to have Kim Jong Un abandon his nuclear arsenal “erroneous and futile.”

According to the New York Post, Putin made his remarks in an editorial published by the Russian government’s official website ahead of his visit to China.

In the article, the Russian President slammed President Trump’s approach to North Korea, saying the Kremlin preferred dialogue and negotiations with the communist nation.

“It is essential to resolve the region’s problems through direct dialogue involving all sides without advancing any preconditions,” Putin wrote. “Provocations, pressure, and bellicose and offensive rhetoric is the road to nowhere.”

“In Russia’s opinion the calculation that it is possible to halt North Korea’s nuclear missile programs exclusively by putting pressure on Pyongyang is erroneous and futile,” he added.

Tensions on the Korean peninsula reached new heights in recent days, following a successful missile launch that hurled a North Korean rocket over Japanese territory.

In response, the United States, South Korea, and Japan launched a massive military drill on the North Korean border; a stark warning to Kim that the US and its allies are prepared for all-out war in the region.

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