Debate Fallout!

CLEAN HOUSE! Trump Says 'They Should Fire Everybody at ABC Fake News' Following Debate

posted by Hannity Staff - 9.13.24

Donald Trump took to TRUTH Social this week to call for ABC News to clean house after Tuesday night’s debate that many believe was a 3-on-1 ambush against the former president.

“People are just starting to give me credit for having a GREAT DEBATE. The Voters and Voter Polls showed it, but the Fake News Media wasn’t giving the credit that was due. Now they are seeing the results with independent Voters, Evangelicals, and more — and saying, WOW!” Trump wrote.

“Remember, I wasn’t debating one person, I was debating three. They should fire everybody at ABC Fake News, whose two lightweight “anchors” have brought disgrace onto the company!,” Trump posted.

Former Clinton advisor Mark Penn is calling on ABC News to investigate the Harris-Trump debate, saying he’s concerned that the moderators put their finger on the scale.

“I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don’t know how much of this was planned in advance,” Penn told the John Solomon Reports” podcast.

“I don’t know what they told the Harris campaign. I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that,” he added.

Penn also spoke with Fox News about the debate fallout — watch the clip above.

More over at Just The News:

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